“The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John”

Behold the Lamb that Takes Away the Sin of the World
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
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The Revelation Road
The Bible tells us God’s Story has unfolded for nearly six thousand years. A difficult day of judgment lies ahead. We are not prepared for what comes next. We must have an accurate interpretation of the entire Bible in order to understand where God’s story is leading. The Book of Revelation only tells us a small part of the grander storyline. I welcome you to join in seeking the truth.

Like A True-to-Life Mystery Novel
The bible reads like a mystery novel but it’s a true story of human disaster and heartbreak. The storyboard was created thousands of years ago. A beautiful world and two wide-eyed naked humans set the story in motion in a garden. Today we have many wild-eyed naked humans running around joining billions more and racing to a climactic close to the story. How does it end? Let’s find out.
The Author Named Clay Writer
My name if Doug, but at the end of my article, I sing off as the Clay Writer. Adam, the first man, was fashioned from clay. I know I am no better than Adam, just a collection of dirt and water formed by God for His purpose. As the Clay Writer I study and create articles to help readers find their way to a better understanding of challenging biblical passages and doctrines.
Continuous and Hard to Understand
I have seen too many Christians struggle to understand the bible. That must change. With so much uncertainty in the world, I understands the bible should be a source of answers, not more confusion. God’s Word is easier to understand with the right approach. God, the real author of the Bible, has gifted mankind with the scriptures. Anyone who sincerely pursues understanding of the Bible can do so. Sadly, many come away from their time in the Word just as confused as ever.
Are You Hungry Enough to Seek the Truth?
As the content creator for The Revelation Road, I desire to guide Bible-hungry Christians and eager Bible students to a clearer understanding of the scriptures. The prophetic scriptures are the primary focus of the articles. He will at times venture into other challenging topics but always steer back to the prophecy passages. Biblical prophecy is not a side issue as many of today’s Christians believe. God’s Story has a beginning, middle, and end. We are approaching the end.
Pastor – Teacher – Children’s Minister
I am a retired Children’s Pastor. I taught and lead children, youth, parents, and adults for over 35 years. Serving in both large and small Churches. My first passion is knowing the One True God. Second to that is his desire to teach about the God I know, desiring to help sincere Christians and Bible students find a better approach to understanding their Bibles. I interpret prophecy based on a literal interpretation while keeping context in mind. Far too many teachers take a few passages, and run crazy with speculation about what the bible says. God is misquoted and misunderstood much too often.
Prophecy is too important
These topics are too important to ignore and we certainly can’t wish them away. Jesus spoke about these things and appeared to leave it open as to when the many things written about would be fulfilled. He mentioned several signs to look for and not a particular date or era. The Church needs to be aware of everything written in the Bible about this time that will come on the earth. It’s better to be awake, prepared, and clear in our understanding of what God told the writers of the Bible regarding what will take place. The Bible has a clear beginning, middle, and end of its story. That end is approaching.
Still Waiting for These Key Events
Keep your eyes on Israel and the Middle East. That is where we can expect to see the major events unfold. Here is a small list of some of the prophetic events that the Bible tells us will take place. A new Jewish temple will be built in Jerusalem. Animal sacrifices will begin. Jews, in greater numbers will move to Israel as hatred of them around the world increases. A coalition of ten nations will form and threaten Israel. A person the Bible calls the Antichrist will arise to lead the ten nations. Christianity will grow weak and corrupt. The Antichrist will defile the new temple, curse God, and lead worldwide persecution of Christians and Jews.
The Work of God’s Hands
We are all the work of God’s hands. The Lord created the heavens and the earth. He made a beautiful garden and placed the first humans in it. He gave them a chance to excel. They did not. The Bible reveals the key events of that failure, their journey and leads us to the final chapter of the unfolding tragedy.
The End is Not Now, But it is Certain!
- The biblical record is not too hard to understand
- But crazed sensationalism has cheapened biblical scholarship.
- Sound interpretation is needed to avoid false understandings
- Too many Christians follow fictional, unbiblical models
- Star charts, eclipses, and date setting is the wrong direction
- Much of modern Christianity has strayed from God’s Truth
- The Bible predicts a great falling away from Christianity
- We could be a few years away from the return of Jesus
- When He returns He will crush Satan’s head and imprison him.
- One thousand years of peace on earth will follow.
- Prepare yourself to live in the world of peace.
- But you should decide to join him now before it is too late.

The Revelation Road Awaits
- Thought-provoking articles.
- Old and new traditions are challenged
- Poor interpretations are exposed
- Fantasies and delusions are rejected
- Truth, God’s Truth, is the Standard
- The Good News of Jesus’ return is preached
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