Darwin & race. When will the woke crowd topple his statue?

Darwin believed in inferior races. The Bible says all men are equal.

While crowds are throwing down statues, what about a Charles Darwin statue? You can find plenty of his statues if you’re looking for racists from your history books. In today’s woke environment, statues of historical figures are crumbling under the weight of political and cultural ‘awareness.’ A new ‘awareness’ is focusing attention on statues. As if that will help with anything. It will not. In the minds of many, these statues pose a great threat. For the past several years, statues of historical figures are torn down in protest. People protest what the statues represent.

For example, a statue of Christopher Columbus is torn down because he, in the minds of some, promoted racism against indigenous people.

Or, the statue of Robert E. Lee is scheduled for removal because he fought for the South in the Great Civil War in the United States.

Even a statue of Abraham Lincoln was defaced by rioters. Somehow, defacing the statue of the man who helped free the slaves helps the cause.

Well, if you’re looking for more statues, I have an idea. Look no further than Charles, the beloved teacher who believed some races were “savage.”

Focus on one of the greatest promoters of inferior races you will ever find. The theory of evolution, Darwin’s grand theory of the survival of the fittest, supports the idea of inferior human races. I’ll bet your science teacher didn’t bring up that part of the theory.



Love: not hate

Love is better than hate. In the end, love will win. It’s not a slogan, it’s a fact. No matter how many statues are torn down, love is the better way. It’s a better option now, or anytime. In the meanwhile, the Bible says we should love one another. But that’s too hard, isn’t it? It’s easier to hate the one you disagree with. Jesus went to the cross because of those who hated him. And ironically, Jesus went to the cross because he loved those who hated him and also those who loved him. In his last moments, before he breathed his last, he asked His Father to forgive those who put him on that cruel cross. In light of the current unrest, it’s revealing to understand that Jesus could have uttered the familiar words.

“I can’t breath.”

Because on the cross, criminals often died of suffocation before they succumbed to death from their wounds. But Jesus had no time for hate, even as they killed him. He forgave. And we should live with that same mindset.

The world is getting darker. It will continue on this projected course. The prophets predicted this road, many years ago. But I am certain of one thing. The love of God will prevail against the hatred of men against men.

Whose side are you on? Which side are you fighting for?


John 13:34

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”


Will Darwin be next? Not Likely

Chuck’s statues are probably safe.

Charles Darwin went on a famous boat ride. Along the way, he and his crew made several stops to observe nature. It sounds like fun, something I would enjoy. As a young man, Mr. Darwin, like so many of his days, had grown up with a religious background. But as curiosity and a natural youthful rebellion took hold of him, he yearned to throw off the old ways of religion. Boy did he ever succeed at that? As of today, his theory of evolution is probably the biggest reason why the Bible is rejected by academia. And the average man or woman on the street for that matter. Even among Christians, evolution is trusted more than the Bible. That’s a stark reality of which many people are not aware.

The theory that Darwin proposed is now a heavy hammer that is laid upon the mind of every student who steps into a classroom. That is true in nearly every classroom around the globe. If you believe in truth or science, you will reject the myths found in the Bible.

That’s the general consensus that one finds in the field of education. And not just science. Every field of study is drowning in the flood of evolutionary thought. If a student dares to lift his or her head above the flood of evolutionary thought, they are pushed back under. There is no room for free thinking in the modern classroom. Especially if it rejects Darwin’s theory of savage races.


See thttps://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=%2bVKjlt7F&id=CA687ED9C325B91726EC104CB857D9CDFB0FDA7F&thid=OIP.-VKjlt7FaHfz0bffNLiwDgHaFf&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fqph.fs.quoracdn.net%2fmain-qimg-4a9feae126a768edc8269bdfd4cebaac-c&exph=447&expw=602&q=darwins+quotes+on+race&simid=607988290197324641&ck=02227C99463B1FE3C4D268EBB50E46B6&selectedIndex=3&ajaxhist=0he source image
Can someone please explain why this man is revered as a man of science? His theory depicts the depravity of mankind’s lowest emotions. He looked at others who were different than him and called them savages.


1 John 4:7

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.


The shocking truth about the beloved Charles Darwin

Below, you can read a quote from an article I found. It reveals what the great scientist believed regarding the struggle between the races. Those who believe in Charles, bring up the fact that he was against slavery. So, I’m against cruelty to animals but I don’t believe gophers or dolphins are equal to humans. Darwin did not believe that some “savage races” as he put it, would survive his idea of the survival of the fittest. He believed the best races would conquer the weaker ones. And yet his statues remain untouched.

He left behind the Christian teaching of his youth. And in doing so, he let his imagination run into the guttural emotions of the human spirit. His theory is an ugly theory, that pits different cultures against one another. It pits the strong against the weak. And animals against humans. In his youthful rebellion against biblical thought, he left the simple truths. God created all men equal. As the song goes, “red and yellow, black or white, they are precious in his sight.”

Charles Darwin decided the old religion was unscientific and archaic. He invented something better–so he thought. Instead, he invented a theory that Hitler used to justify the Holocaust.


Evolution isn’t scientific. It’s horrific.


In his view, the “civilized races” would eventually replace the “savage races throughout the world.” Darwin’s earlier and most famous book was entitled: The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. In such influential and momentous writings, Darwin applied his evolutionary idea of natural selection not only to animal development but also to the development of human “races.”


It’s just natural selection

He saw natural selection at work in the killing of indigenous peoples of Australia by the British, wrote here of blacks (some of the “savage races”) being a category close to gorillas, and spoke against social programs for the poor and “weak” because such programs permitted the least desirable people to survive.

By the late 1800s, a racist perspective called “social Darwinism” extensively developed these ideas of Darwin and argued aggressively that certain “inferior races” were less evolved, less human, and more apelike than the “superior races.” Prominent social scientists like Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner argued that social life was a life-and-death struggle in which the best individuals would win out over inferior individuals.

Sumner argued that wealthy Americans, almost entirely white at the time, were products of natural selection and as the “superior race” essential to the advance of civilization. Black Americans were seen by many of these openly racist analysts as a “degenerate race” whose alleged “immorality” was a racial trait.


John 13:35

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”





The Claywriter

White Stone Watcher

Hello readers,

I have served as a children and youth pastor for over three decades. It was a great honor and pleasure to serve the Lord in that way. It has been my prayer, that many of them will learn of Jesus’ love and decide to commit their lives to following Him.

I wrote the fiction story, ‘White Stone Watcher’ for them and their parents. In the story, we see a young man, and his best friend, Amanda. They face the normal challenges that today’s kids face at school. But with one huge difference.

Their challenge is twelve feet tall to be exact with an enormous set of six wings. Just like the prophet Isaiah saw in the throne room of God. He is a Watcher, an angelic being who is still invisible to Amanda. The messenger from God is about to lead both on a spiritual journey. They find they cannot escape the unseen war that rages all around them. They will become key players that God will use in the battle between the Sons of Darkness and the Children of Light.

I invite you to pray about a youth that might enjoy and benefit from this story. As the world grows darker, our youth must become aware that the Lord is calling them to join the Children of Light in the fight for what is righteous. We are all involved, whether we realize it or not. If they will not go to church, maybe they will read a book about someone just like them facing challenges at school.

God is calling them.

Praying for the youth, and a great awakening.

Pastor Doug


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