Will the Guardians of media push the lie of 2 Thessalonians?

Will the guardians of social media play a role in Bible prophecy?

Most of us know who the guardians of social media are. Since you’re reading this article, you most likely came upon it while using one of the platforms created by the guardians. The guardians often claim they are helping to protect the general public from harmful content. Their platforms are enormous. When they “protect” the public from certain kinds of content, they can sway popular opinion.

The guardians know they have enormous power and influence. And now, they are growing in their open effort to use it in order to “protect” us. They have learned the necessary tricks that make their efforts to “protect” seem like the only right thing to do.

Be wary of such efforts to “protect.”

Facebook just shut down access to several news articles in Italy in their efforts to protect the voters of that country. Do they have any business making such decisions? Of course they do, they are protecting us.

See the article here.

Well, at least they’re “protecting” Italians also. And not just United States citizens.

But, it’s because of their vast reach around the world that makes their platforms so alarming.


2 Thessalonians 2:11

“For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false.”


On this Bible prophecy website, I try to avoid speculation or wild guesses. But despite that, I’ll venture a guess in this article.

Bible prophecy is one of the most significant ways to show the validity of the scriptures. God sees the past, present, and future, as though they are all present before Him at the same time. The words of prophecy were written hundreds and thousands of years in advance of the events they predicted.


Look at this interesting verse below. We don’t know who the speaker was but he gave some great insight regarding Bible prophecy. The essence of Jesus’ ministry was Bible prophecy. His entire life, ministry, and death were a fulfillment of prophecy. His soon return is prophesied. The restoration of peace on earth and solving the problem of sin and wickedness are prophesied. Jesus is the One who is tasked with solving these problems.

Jesus’ ministry is fulfilling prophecy.


Revelation 19:10

“I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”


It usually defeats the purpose of Bible prophecy to engage in wild speculation about the future. But as I said, I will speculate nonetheless. I do so, out of a sense of caution. I’m not a “bomb shelter” type of alarmist. I don’t live in my mother’s basement and dream up weird conspiracies. Most of that wild speculation only does great harm to the respect the Bible deserves.

So, with caution, I will speculate about the social media platforms.

I think it’s probable that all or most of the social media platforms will combine in an effort to push a lie. Yet they are adamant that they would never do any such thing.

An alarming increase in deception was alluded to in the words of Jesus. He warned about deception. The Apostle Paul also warned the early church about the same thing. But he went further in his description. Paul pointed to a person who would promote a great lie. And that man would lead a rebellion against the One True God. In turn, the liar would claim that he was indeed God Almighty.


The guardians and the big lie

Can you imagine the number of Twitter and Facebook followers this great liar will have? I hereby predict and speculate wildly that the coming Antichrist will have a large and active social media presence. There’s been a myriad of discussions on the identity of this liar.

The Pope, the President, or the latest newly-elected leader in any European country somehow finds his way into the speculation. I’ll avoid that here. But my speculation about social media platforms isn’t even much of a stretch of the imagination. It’s not just likely. But it’s all but certain under the current circumstances. The future man of lawlessness will want his message spread to all corners of the globe.

His great lie will be promoted. The liar will need a big platform. Look at how willing the guardians are to “protect” us from what they deem to be false. When the big liar comes onto the scene with the biggest of lies. Do you think the guardians will have any hesitation in promoting the lie to the public?

I don’t. The lie will be an anti-Christian message. It will be an affront to the truth of the God of the Bible.

The guardians will gladly push that anti-Christian message. Not only that, I expect they will be willing to de-platform anyone who dares question the truth of the big lie.


So there you have it, my wild speculation. At least it’s not a crazy theory about 9/11 or the moon landing. Or my favorite crazy theory that the world is flat. Now that one, I’m going to need some proof of.


Guardians of lies?





The Claywriter


At the end of the age, a man of great power will come onto the world stage.

Some know him by the name Antichrist. He will deceive many. I expect the social guardians will help get his lie told to everyone.

See this compilation of an ancient text that reveals surprises about this man of lawlessness.


Let me know what you think.

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