The Lesson of the fig tree: Are we living in the last generation?
Jesus said learn it. He said, learn the lesson of the fig tree. But all these years later, we are still very unsure about how to interpret his words. Many are adamant about their interpretation. But they have changed the length of the “last generation” in order to insist their view is still correct. I believe their view is wrong. Read on to see what I wrote about this many years ago.
This is a reposting of an article/commentary from 2018. This is a hot topic today and will continue to be until the Lord Jesus returns to judge the wicked and restore peace to this broken world.
Jesus said, “Learn the lesson of the fig tree.” Two sentences later he said this generation would not pass until all these things are fulfilled. What things?
What did he mean, and what generation wouldn’t pass? Did he mean the first century AD? Many teachers and theologians have built ministries, organizations, and careers on that belief. But what about this generation? There are many who teach that the current generation is the last generation. They support that teaching with their understanding of the parable of the fig tree. That parable, by their account, reveals the timing of the last generation. When Israel became a nation, the clock started on the last generation. But a problem developed with their theory. It was first guessed that a generation in biblical terms was forty years. So, simple math produced the date of 1988. That’s when Jesus would return, but subtract seven years from that (for the tribulation) and you get 1981. In that year the rapture was certain to take place. At least that was what many taught.
Disappointed Prophets and the Lesson of the fig tree
The rapture didn’t take place in 1981. So, not to be deterred, the length of the generation changed and also the start date. The year Jerusalem came under Jewish control, 1967, became an optional start date. So, you could add forty years to 1967 and come to the very appealing date of 2000 BC. That was the year of Y2K and a lot of end-of-the-world hysteria. If you didn’t like that date you could add 70 or 80 years to 1948. That’s the preferred start date for many and it brought us to the more desirable end date — 2018. Well, we’ve come to that date now and many people have nearly lost their minds. It seems that every year is another can’t-miss rapture date. But they keep missing and they will continue to miss.
Missing the point
The point Jesus made to the disciples is completely missed.
He never mentioned the rebirth of the nation of Israel in his prophecy. That’s heresy to many people, but it’s also a fact. He mentioned a lesson we should learn from the fig tree. When one sees the leaves begin to sprout and new branches start to grow, then everyone should know that summer is near. There’s no mention of Israel in that verse. That’s been fabricated. I apologize to my many futurist friends and teachers. It’s inserted for the sake of convenience but Israel is not in the verse. It’s been placed there to support a theory.
Israel is important in order for last-days events to come to pass. But the point Jesus was making about recognizing the nearness of summer had to do with a multitude of signs.
All the signs are important. The last generation is the one that sees all the signs in one generation. Israel needs to return to the land, but there are other very important signs that haven’t occurred and must first before Jesus gets to the door.
The Lesson of the Fig Tree
(Mark 13:28-31; Luke 21:29-33)
32Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. 33So also, when you see all these things, you know that He is near, right at the door. 34Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Context: Let’s go back to the beginning of this conversation on the Mount of Olives. The disciples asked the Lord some questions. This entire discourse is in response to those questions.
Signs of the End of the Age
3While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will all this happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?”
The disciples asked for an understanding of three things.
- When will all these things happen?
- What will be the sign of your coming? (Jesus’ return)
- When will the end of the age occur?
In this series of articles, we’ve come to an important place. We have gotten to the ‘when’ part of the prophecy. Many people have struggled with this question for the last two thousand years.
Jesus went through a series of signs and even gave them important details regarding the “sign of the Son of Man.”
“For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.”
This will be an unmistakable sign. It did not take place in the first century as many people suggest.
Every sign, not just one.
Every one of those signs that Jesus mentioned was written about and discussed extensively in the first generation of the church. The members of the first-century church died from natural and unnatural causes. In the generation that followed, the church continued looking for the return of Christ. Even after 70 AD and the destruction of the temple, the church looked for Jesus’ return. Of course, they continued to look because he hadn’t returned as he said he would. A couple of hundred years later the church entered into a long period of spiritual darkness because the knowledge of the word was suppressed. But a remnant always remained.
The Lord still has not returned. We are awaiting his arrival in the way in which he described.
This generation in which we are currently living could be the last generation, but I don’t believe it has to be. The rebirth of the Nation of Israel was an important event that needed to happen. Too many things revolve around the Jewish nation. Fulfillment of prophecy required their return to the Promised Land. But the signs as a whole are what we should look for, not counting years from 1948.
A recap
The signs of the last generation must take place in one generation. (probably much shorter than forty years.)
What signs:
- For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’
- wars and rumors of wars
- There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
- the beginning of birth pains.
- many false prophets will arise and mislead many
- And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world
- So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination of desolation
- At that time there will be great tribulation
- False Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders
‘The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
- At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven
The last generation will see each of these signs. The rebirth of Israel greatly increased the awareness that we might be living in the last generation.
Isaac Newton was just a little smarter than you or me. He predicted the end of the age would arrive in the year 2060. I think he was wrong but I’ll cover that at a later date — until then stay tuned.

What did the Church Fathers know?
Let me know what you think.