Saudi Arabia Is Moving Closer To Peaceful Ties With Israel

Saudi Arabia wants peace;

Correction; they need peace with Israel

Author’s note and update:

This article was first written almost three years ago. As of now, we are closer to the time of seeing its fulfillment. Saudi Arabia and Israel are currently in negotiations. I expect a positive announcement concerning those efforts in the near future. But, it’s what will happen after the agreement that will be much more interesting. Soon, we will have several more peace agreements in place. After that, we can expect to see economic, and geopolitical plans begin. And of course, plans will involve the difficulty that remains as to how the Muslims, Jews, and Christians can all get along.

Good luck with that, right?

Those plans will include the effort to rebuild a temple in Israel. When the temple sacrifices are restored, then things will get exciting–or scary, depending on one’s perspective.


A storm is brewing while Saudi Arabia, despite strong contentions from inside and outside of their country, works toward peace between Israel and the Sunni Arab nations. (See this article for proof.) I’ve said this several times in other articles but many suggest it’s an impossible dream. It’s either utter foolishness or innocent naivety on my part to suggest that such a prominent Arab country would seek peace with the Jewish Nation. I’m not naive and certainly not innocent. I wasn’t sure about this a year ago, but now I think it is going to happen, just a matter of when.

There are a lot of things we don’t know for sure because most of this is being discussed in secret talks. But, we do know that Saudi Arabia has allowed itself to be more and more vocal about its intentions. They hold tremendous power and sway with many of the Sunni Arab nation-states. If they push hard for this, they will get many countries to follow them.


Israel signs peace deal with two Arab states

Saudi Journalist Calls To Internationalize Jerusalem Holy Sites


According to what I have seen and read, the biggest sticking point to getting this done is the Palestinian leaders. Just the leaders.

1 Thessalonians 5:3

While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Growing hegemonic powers

Really, they have no choice. Iran wants to rule the world, no that’s not an exaggeration. Turkey wants to rule the world too, they have the same motivation as Iran. There’s only one world and those two growing hegemonic powers are already pushing into neighboring countries. Iran has pushed to the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and has militias fighting in Yemen and Sudan, among other places.

Turkey is in Syria and Iraq and they have no intention of pulling back. (Don’t miss that article I just highlighted. It may shock you.)

The Palestinian leadership, along with Hamas and Hezbollah, hope to see every Israeli Jew floating face-down in the Mediterranean Sea. Iranian and Turkish leadership wants no part of a peace deal with Israel.

Saudi Arabia Comes Off the Ledge

Saudi Arabia wants to step off the ledge of Islamic terrorism and join the community of nations and make lots of money. They want and need peace in order to see that happen to them, their citizens, and the Middle East.

Something is going to give.

Real peace will not happen until Jesus breaks through the clouds and starts knocking some heads around. Well, maybe it won’t be like that but you get the picture.

This peace I’m talking about will be like a band-aid on a mortal head wound. It won’t even slow the bleeding but those pushing for this agreement think it will work.

It won’t.

The calm before the storm, or perhaps more like the calm in the eye of the hurricane.

A peace agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel could be a key moment. See the source image

The Middle East will be a raging firestorm, a bloodbath in the future. What we have seen so far has been the warm-up act before the main event.

John 14:27


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.




But have a nice day. 🙂

The Claywriter


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