Tag: bible prophecy
Who is the Restrainer in Paul’s account in 2 Thessalonians?
Do we know who The Restrainer is in Second Thessalonians? The Restrainer, do we have an identity yet? Is he someone completely different than what you and I were taught? Probably. In this article, I will introduce to you, an idea you may not be familiar with. When I was a young believer, learning to…
The generation that Jesus returns. Are we finally there yet?
The Generation when Christ returns: Is it now or later? The Generation: Are we living in it now? During the first generation, Jesus didn’t return, he arrived. Eventually, after thirty-three years, he left and said he would be back. The generation of Jesus’ first appearance was the first in which thousands of people expected him to…
Words of the Lord are pure and righteous words. Psalm 12
Psalm Twelve: The Words of the Lord are Pure Words. We can trust them The Words of the Lord are pure and trustworthy. They have endured the tests of time, intense scrutiny, censorship, critical scholarship, and neglect. Leaders, religions, countries, and cultures, have tried to destroy it by banning, burning, or blacklisting it, but it…
After the Tribulation: Matthew 24:29-31 Son of Man appears
After the Tribulation, Jesus will return. What did Jesus mean when he used the phrase, “After the Tribulation?” This continues our study of the Olivet Discourse. A majority of Bible prophecy scholars (Especially in the centuries prior to our current one.) teach that his phrase, “after the Tribulation,” referenced the destruction of Jerusalem. A smaller number…
Psalm 11: Foundations Destroyed, what can the righteous do?
In Psalm 11 The righteous take cover in God but the wicked hunts them. Psalm 11: In this Psalm, King David, the writer considers the options for Christians when the spiritual foundations of a culture are destroyed. Then we are presented with a stunning truth. Though the Lord sits in heaven, He sees everything all…
Isaiah 37: King Hezekiah prays. The Lord sends an Angel
Hezekiah prayed for the Lord’s help. A brutal, merciless Assyrian army surrounded Jerusalem. King Hezekiah sought out the Lord’s prophet for help and guidance. Recent history had taught Hezekiah to fear. The Assyrians were too good. Their cruel army had defeated every foe that stood in their way. The Assyrians tortured their enemies. Heads displayed…
One Christ: Olivet Discourse Matt. 24:23-28 & only One
The Olivet Discourse: Jesus warned about a false Christ. Jesus Christ. He was and always will be the only Christ. In the biblical context, the word ‘Christ’ means the ‘Messiah’ or the ‘anointed’ one. Kings and priests were anointed with oil and set apart for the work of God. But the anointed one or Messiah…
The war of the future will arrive. Isaiah 36: Judah warned
The prophet warned them. The war of the future will come. Isaiah warned God’s people. The war of the future will come. And you are not ready. The prophet warned them with the same message. Decades passed, and the people clung to their doubt. Perhaps, they thought, the crazy prophet spoke lies and fantasy. Some…
The Lord sits on His Throne. Praise the Lord! Psalm Nine
Psalm Nine: Praise the Lord who sits on the throne The Lord sits in the heavens, while the nations await word from Him. He will bring a just and fair reward to those who trust in Him. Revelation 19:11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is…
Streams in the desert: Isaiah 35 Restoring the planet
Desert Rebirth: After the days of vengeance, the glorious restoration of the planet will begin. In the desert, we will see a dramatic resurgence of life. In chapter thirty-four we read about the unthinkable devastation that will take place around the world. The war against God will reach a stunning climax. The survival of life…