Tag: bible prophecy
The ISIS world has crumbled: What is next for the Middle East?
The caliphate of ISIS is gone. The world did not shed a tear for the so-called freedom fighters who were known by the name ‘ISIS.’ So, as the prophet Amos so aptly wrote, they need to prepare to meet their God. And not the one who is symbolized by a black stone in the middle of…
Iran and Turkey: The Increasing threats in the Middle East
Iran and Turkey are increasing threats Iran and Turkey are creating more trouble in the Middle East then most people realize. North Korea is a scary diversion, but they are not the biggest threat to world peace. The “Rocket Man” wants to survive so he will exchange bold insults with Donald Trump but he will…
Cannibalism and the Christmas Child in Isaiah Chapter 9
Cannibalism has a connection to a famous Christmas passage Cannibalism and Christmas. These are not words we often find in the same sentence. As we continue our study of the Book of Isaiah we meet both of these topics in the same chapter. Travel the world and you will find just a small percentage of…
War in the Middle East: Countdown to Destruction of Israel?
Another war is coming to the Middle East: Middle Eastern wars will continue. The Bible makes this prediction clear in many passages, chapters, and verses. There is no escaping it, the only question is when, and who will the adversaries be. Syria, entangled in a terrible civil war, is in a fight to the death…
Psalm One: The Godly Man Walks but What of the Ungodly?
Psalm One: The godly man walks. One Way. There’s Only One Way to God. But in the first Psalm, we see there are two classes of mankind. And only one finds his way to the Lord. This starts a new series on our walk through the prophetic scriptures. This series will look at the book…
Assyrian Invasion leads to Immanuel prophecy. Isaiah 8:
The coming Assyrian invasion of Syria and Israel. Isa 8:1-4 The first Assyrian invasion The Assyrian invasion is announced by the naming of Isaiah’s son. “Moreover the LORD said to me, “Take a large scroll and write on it with a man’s pen concerning Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. And I will take for myself faithful witnesses to record,…
Isaiah Seven: The Virgin Shall Give Birth to Immanuel
Isaiah Seven: A Virgin shall give birth to Immanuel Isaiah seven: Chapter seven of Isaiah is another excellent example of Bible prophecy. It is an excellent prophecy, but it can be very confusing, which is usually the case with bible prophecy. It is confusing because of the mix of present and future references. In most…
The Throne upon which God sits. Isaiah six
The Throne of God! The prophet Isaiah was among a privileged few who received a visionary glimpse of the Throne and glory of God. There is no greater sight any of us will ever see. I know that all of humanity, past, present, and future will stand before God. I don’t know that all of…
The Silent Prophet: “You shall be dumb and unable to speak.”
The Silent Prophet: “You shall be dumb and unable to speak”. Be Silent, please. Some so-called prophets speak too much as seen here… (nine million views but still wrong!) Lamentations 3:26 “It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.” Some prophets aren’t prophets at all. They should sit quietly…
The Vineyard of the LORD a Song of My Beloved. Isaiah 5
The Vineyard of the LORD a Song of My Beloved THE VINEYARD OF THE LORD The parable of the vineyard This chapter in Isaiah is among the most beautiful and insightful passages in all of scripture. “For exquisite beauty of language and consummate skill in effective communication, this parable is virtually peerless. One difficulty…