Tag: bible prophecy
The Mediterranean Sea: From Patmos, John saw the beast rise
The beast rises from the Mediterranean Sea. John saw a vision in the Mediterranean Sea. The Apostle John was held captive on the island of Patmos. From that vantage point, he saw the beast from the sea rise to power. It was a vision. In the vision, the Lord showed the last remaining apostle how…
Reality Check. This is how God says this ugly chapter ends
I’m sorry but it looks like it’s time for your reality check. And when you try to cash your reality check, you will not be laughing all the way to the bank. For some of you, you’ll find yourself weeping uncontrollably. A reality check can do that. It often slams us in the face or…
What Time is It? Is it too early to talk about the end?
What time is it on God’s prophetic calendar? Time: We have all the time in the world. Or do we? Darwin had his idea. In it, he said the world took billions of years to form. And time, lots of it, was one of the most important factors that allowed for those worlds to develop.…
Postmillennialism: A dangerous view of Bible prophecy
Postmillennialism can be dangerous to your spiritual health I’m convinced. Postmillennialism is a dangerous doctrine. Yes, it is a theology that was and is taught by respected theologians. But wrong is wrong, and this is dangerous. And those who teach it put unlearned believers at risk in these last days. In fact, it is so…
Let us hope they are wrong. Turkish media: the West to fall
Let us hope not. “a mouthpiece of Turkish President” predicts the West will fall. The nation of Turkey believes it will regain control of the Middle East. Let us hope they are wrong. But of course, we know, hope isn’t a strategy. It’s a dream. And dreams don’t always come true. In this case, the…
Dalton Thomas: The Mid-East War to End all Wars Daniel 11
Dalton Thomas expects another war to end all wars. If you like history, especially war history, Dalton Thomas will challenge the common beliefs expressed at the end of World War One. That first World War was devastating and all-encompassing. When it finished, leaders claimed it was the war that would end all wars. But the…
The Despicable King, by Dalton Thomas. A study in Dan. 11
In “The Despicable King,” Dalton Thomas continues his detailed look at the Antichrist. In the video below, called the Despicable King, Dalton Thomas goes verse by verse through Daniel eleven. He believes as do many other teachers, that Daniel’s last three chapters consist of one long vision. The vision starts as the Babylonian captivity of…
COVID recovery began & challenged mark of beast theories.
The recovery of the economy will disappoint many Bible prophecy teachers. Around the world, the economic recovery has begun. And it might even explode. But fear moves markets and sells products. Doom and gloom are big business. And so are popular ‘Mark of the Beast’ theories. We find that fearmongering is alive and well in…
faster than I expected, Turkey progresses toward their goals
Turkey has occupied a small part of Greece faster than I expected. They took this action faster than anyone could have thought. But they chose this time while the rest of the world is busy staying inside. A few weeks ago, I sat with a good friend. We talked about this very possibility. But there’s…
First Peter, the top verses, which ones are your favorites?
Browse some of the top verses in First Peter In this post, we look at some of the top verses in First Peter. I’ve pulled these verses from one of my favorite Bible sites. I love it because of its simplicity as well as its usability. Search any book of the Bible or nearly any…