Tag: bible prophecy
Ephraim the Syrian, a prophecy of a ruthless desert people
Ephraim predicted a senseless desert people would terrorize the Middle East Announcing Ephraim the Syrian. Before I begin, I should answer some questions. Who was Ephraim the Syrian? And are his ancient writings significant to us in this modern era and more importantly, how do they fit within Bible prophecy? Ephraim was an Eastern Orthodox…
Ezekiel 38:1-6 Will a Russian-led coalition attack Israel?
Shock! The Ezekiel war will not be a Russian-led coalition of nations The Russian-led coalition of nations that will attack Israel in the last days is a myth. The Bible prophecy teachers, scholars, and professors who promote this myth have made a fundamental error in order to come to their conclusion. See this article on…
Daniel Nine: How important is this Bible prophecy?
Daniel nine is a critical part of the Bible prophecy puzzle. Some people would argue that Daniel nine is the holy grail of prophecy. The chapter stands apart from almost every other Bible prophecy passage for one reason. There is a timeline near the end of the chapter that allows the careful student to test…
Kingdom Parables: Treasure God’s Word
God’s Word is a treasure of great worth In this section of Matthew chapter thirteen, we explore the value of finding God’s truth. God’s Word is a treasure that can bring incredible wealth to the reader and the student. But it’s far from a guarantee. Most people who read the Bible will get little to…
A Bible Atlas discredits Russia as Magog invasion of Israel
Russia isn’t Gog. See how a Bible atlas clears up a Russian conspiracy Is Russia about to attack Israel? Well, we need to take a closer look at a Bible atlas. Or better than that, we should look at several. When we do, we find that Russia may not be the ‘bad guy’ we thought…
Iran, it’s power fading. History repeats in the Middle East
Iran has an important role in Bible prophecy. The country of Iran is in trouble, and they know it. But despite the growing troubles, they persist in efforts that will make things worse for them. Social unrest is evident throughout the country. Long lines of citizens, hoping to purchase daily supplies, are getting harder to hide. Like…
Bible Commentary reviews: Ezekiel 38 & 39: Reviewing errors
Which Bible commentary do you trust for Ezekiel 38 & 39? Bible commentary is often helpful. And this author certainly encourages the use of as many good Bible commentaries as a person can get one’s hands on. But far too many times the commentary is filled with erroneous interpretations on the part of the author.…
Jesus’ Second Coming was delayed as planned all along
How should we respond to the delay of Jesus’ second coming? The second coming of Christ is an anxiously awaited event. Tens of thousands; or hopefully tens of millions of people around the world look forward to the soon return of Jesus. But the last few decades have seen many of those anxious Christians disappointed in…
The Last Days: essential in Paul’s Gospel preaching ministry
Paul preached about Jesus but never failed to mention the last days. Paul’s mission, given to him by the Lord, was to preach Christ to all men. He worked tirelessly in order to preach repentance and salvation to as many towns and people as possible. He wasn’t a prophecy teacher per se, but he included…
The Last Days: Peter & Paul believed they were living them?
The Apostle Peter thought he was living in the last days. And not only Peter but also the writer of the Book of Hebrews believed he was in the last days of biblical prophecy. What are we to make of their interpretation of the last days? Did they misunderstand? Were they mistaken like so many…