Tag: Book of Daniel
Trump Administration set to leave Syria. Is this a repeat of Obama’s mistake?
The Trump administration is leaving Syria. Administration officials are saying that ISIS is defeated. So, with that announcement, the Trump administration has surprised everyone with the news that their troops are leaving Syria. When Donald Trump was campaigning for President of the United States, he made a lot of promises. One of those promises was…
The Blind servant in darkness: Isaiah 42: 14-25
Isaiah The blind servant remained sightless. The blind servant in this passage points directly to the descendants of Jacob. They failed in the mission God gave them. Here in the second half of chapter forty-two, the prophet looks at the pitiful choices of the blind servant of the Lord. In chapter forty-one, we saw that…
Israel and Arab peace deal presented in 2019?
Israel and Arab Peace in our time? Early next year is possibly when we will see the presentation of a peace deal between Israel and Arab nations. I am not suggesting a peace deal gets signed next year, though it’s possible. But I do think there is a very good chance the plans of the deal…
The Stone Kingdom: Daniel’s Statue part 5: Kingdoms fall
The Stone Kingdom and the return of Jesus The prophet Daniel saw the rise of the Stone Kingdom of Christ. I refer to it as a stone kingdom because of the imagery revealed in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The king saw a rock that came out of heaven and dramatically crushed all the kingdoms of men…
Legs of Iron and Feet of Clay: Daniel’s Statue part 4
Legs of Iron and Feet of Clay. Was this the Roman Empire? What were the legs of iron and feet of clay? The prophet Daniel interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in chapter two of the Book of Daniel. The king saw a statue that represented four great empires. Later, Daniel had his own vision in which…
The Tribulation: before during or after? Rapture Part Three
The tribulation is coming. Rough road ahead. If the tribulation is coming does the church have to worry about it? Many teachers say no, but is that true? In the video, linked below, the rapture part three, Ken Johnson lays out his reasons why he supports a pre-tribulation rapture. This is the third article of…
The Bronze Kingdom: Daniel’s Statue Part 3: a Swift Leopard
The Belly and Thighs were Bronze: The Bronze Kingdom of Greece — The Swift Leopard In Daniel’s statue, see here, and here, the third kingdom was the bronze kingdom of Greece. Historically it matches the rule of Alexander the Great. This article continues a series in which we consider two important prophecy passages from the…
The Silver Chest: Daniel’s Statue Part Two: The Hungry Bear
A Chest of Silver: The Kingdom of Medo-Persia We are considering the statue in Daniel chapter two. (See this post.) The head was gold, and the arms and chest were made of silver. King Nebuchadnezzar saw the statue in a dream. But it was left to the prophet Daniel to interpret the dream’s meaning. Later,…
The Statue in the Book of Daniel: Part One
In the Book of Daniel, we learn about a statue that’s important in Bible prophecy. From the statue in the Book of Daniel, we can learn important facts about past and future events and the future return of Christ. Daniel 2:31 “Your Majesty looked, and there before you stood a large statue – an enormous,…
Who is the Restrainer in Paul’s account in 2 Thessalonians?
Do we know who The Restrainer is in Second Thessalonians? The Restrainer, do we have an identity yet? Is he someone completely different than what you and I were taught? Probably. In this article, I will introduce to you, an idea you may not be familiar with. When I was a young believer, learning to…