Tag: Book of Daniel
Turkey is at War. Is the nation of Turkey Daniel’s Goat?
Turkey: Is this country, the Goat in Daniel’s prophecy? Turkey will become the goat of Daniel’s prophecy in the coming years. Or so say, several Bible scholars. Daniel, the famous Jewish captive became God’s chosen prophet. And In that role as prophet, he saw a vision of a ram and goat at war with each…
The Holy People destroyed? Daniel 8:15-27 the Antichrist
The Antichrist will attack and destroy the Holy People At the time of the end, the days before the return of Jesus Christ, the holy people will endure a fierce assault. This passage in Daniel, verses 15-27, tells us the Antichrist will “destroy the holy people.” That is a pretty ominous claim. This attack on…
Daniel 8: The Ram and Goat War & the Antichrist revealed
Dan 8:1-14. THE VISION OF THE RAM AND THE GOAT WARS: The Great ram goes to war with the Goat. Daniel chapter eight is one of the most important Bible prophecy passages that we can study. In this chapter, we learn important details about the end of the age in which we currently live. When Daniel…
Wonders in the Heavens: Joel 2: Sun 2 darkness, moon 2 blood
Wonders in the Heavens: Before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord What are the ‘wonders in the heavens,‘ the Bible refers to in the last days? In the Book of Joel, we are told the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood before the Lord returns. Has this already…
Iran and Turkey, will they go to war soon? Daniel 8:
Iran and Turkey and the coming war Will the countries of Iran and Turkey face off against each other in a struggle for power in the Middle East? Will one of them crush the other and then claim control over the entire Middle East region? The verses we are about to consider indicate that might…
Last Kingdom of Man & The Return of Christ Daniel 7: 23-28
The Last Human Kingdom and the Return of Jesus The last kingdom of man will rise and fall with impressive suddenness. The last king, a satanic puppet in human flesh, given the greatest power any human leader will ever have, will fall on the battlefield soon after he takes power. Jesus will return from heaven…
Ten-Horned Kingdom: Daniel 7:15-22 Before the Rapture?
Ten United Nations Will Rise to Power in the Middle East Jesus Will Return as He Promised. But there are other prophetic events that must happen first. The Book of Daniel tells the reader about a ten-horned kingdom that comes into power in the last days. Many engaged Bible prophecy students believe this ten-horned kingdom…
Last Evil King: Daniel 7:11-14 the last Game of Thrones
The Short Reign of the Future Evil King The last King in the real-life Game of Thrones A king needs a kingdom. In a real-life game of thrones, an evil king will take possession of a kingdom in a final conglomeration of kingdoms. The Bible forewarns of an evil king who will reign over ten…
Image of God: Daniel Seven: 9-10: Making us uncomfortable
The Ancient of Days & the image of God The Image of God: In Daniel chapter seven, verses nine and ten we see an image of God as He is seated on His throne. Many Christians don’t expect to see any image of God in the Bible, and certainly not the Image of God Daniel…
Four Beast-kingdoms: Daniel 7:1-8: What four Beasts?
The four beast-kingdoms of Daniel’s Prophecy Understanding the beast-kingdoms: In chapter seven of the Book of Daniel, we read about four beast-kingdoms. We see them first in chapter two, then again here in chapter seven. From this chapter to the end of the book, in chapter twelve, the beast-kingdoms rule in some form within the…