Tag: faith
Daniel One, from a ten thousand foot view.
Take a look at Daniel One from a 10,000-foot perspective. From 10,000 feet, we can see things more clearly. Daniel One begins the journey through the incredible prophecies of Daniel. So, that is where I’ll start these 10,000-foot overviews of the book. Over the last several years, I’ve come to believe that the book of…
Return to God. Was the Hagia Sophia a warning to Christians
Return to God. The One who sent His Son Jesus. In the Garden of Eden, Eve ate a piece of fruit. At the time, it seemed innocent. But we know the truth. Her actions required a return to God. But instead, she defended herself. Blamed others. And so the deadly pattern of history was set…
Strong faith of Habakkuk’s is a model for Christians today
Strong Faith: What does it look like? The prophet Habakkuk had strong faith. At least I should say, eventually, he did. And a portion of his journey of faith was modeled for us in three impactful chapters in the Bible. But his strong faith didn’t come easy. In fact, he undoubtedly spent many hours that…
Apostasy: Did Paul mean Rapture or a departure of faith?
In 2 Thessalonians, Paul said the church will experience apostasy. Apostasy. What did Paul mean when he told the church to expect an apostasy before the return of Christ? For many scholars, the meaning is clear. They see it as a departure or a denial of faith in Christ. But in recent years there is…
Christ: Watching for his return. 2nd Peter 1: living hope
The O.T. prophets searched for the first appearance of Christ. And now faithful believers watch for the glorious return of Jesus Christ and the glory that will follow. The Apostle Peter was a changed and humble man. When he first met Jesus, he was a proud and accomplished fisherman. He wasn’t afraid to speak his…
Psalm 13: How Long Lord before you rescue me from my trials?
Psalm Thirteen: David prays. How long before things are better? How long God, before this trial is over, or this burden is lifted, this pain goes away, the attack continues, or — you can fill in your own situation to finish the question? David, a man after God’s own heart, had big trials like…
Faith: Tested by trials & in the fire of reality Habakkuk 3:
Habakkuk’s Faith: Hind’s feet on high places Faith: Most Christians understand what faith is, but what does deep faith look like? And, along with that question, I have another one. Do you know what “deer-feet” faith looks like? If you haven’t heard of that, then read on. Faith isn’t faith without testing As…