Tag: God’s Word
God of Israel to restore the Children of Jacob; Isaiah 29
The God of Israel took his chosen people through the fire. A shout out to the God-of-Israel and an apology to the readers. As you read this post, you’ll notice that I overuse the phrase ‘The God-of-Israel.’ There are two reasons for that. One: it’s an SEO thing that bloggers will understand. Two: The Lord…
Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, Part 1: a critical Bible prophecy
Jesus’ Olivet Discourse Part One: Trying to Understand the words of Jesus “Jesus’ Olivet Discourse.” This article is the opening ‘salvo’ in what will be a series of articles addressing the interpretation of this crucial passage of prophetic scripture. The Lord said these things, and his closest disciples wrote them down. This passage has the…
A vision of God’s surpassing Glory & Judgment: Habakkuk 2:
The Lord answered the prophet’s question with a vision Write the Vision, and make it plain for those who read it. In the first chapter of Habakkuk, we read about the prophet’s frustration with the declining spiritual condition of the Nation of Judah. There were corrupt judicial systems, increasing levels of violence, and the general…
Habakkuk One: A stunning answer from God
The Prophet Habakkuk had a problem with God’s plan Habakkuk had a problem with God’s way of doing things. Does that sound familiar? The prophet, as far as we can tell, was a humble, godly man, with a high moral character. But he didn’t like the direction things were going in his local city or…
The Restoration of Israel as the Messiah returns. Romans 11
The Restoration of Israel; after the return of Christ The Lord knew that restoration of Israel would be necessary. As is often the case, He waits until the last moment to accomplish what he always intended to do. Israel’s restoration will be in the last days. Jesus will return in the clouds when death, famine,…
Romans 9: Has God Rejected Israel? Or Still in God’s Plan?
Has God Rejected Israel? The Jews were rejected by God, and rejected by most people and many of the nations of the world. This is the first of a series of articles touching on the spiritual condition of Israel and whether God is through with them. The Apostle Paul had a passionate concern for his…
Isaiah 25 The Light at the end of the tunnel is not a train
The Light at the end of the tunnel is Jesus! This chapter in the Book of Isaiah shines a bright light on one of the reasons Bible prophecy is so important. A light is approaching that no darkness can extinguish. John 8:12 I am the Light When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said,…
Will the Christian Church of Europe Die in this Generation?
Will the Christian Church survive in Europe? Many say that the Christian Church in Europe represents a dying religion. What do you think? In many parts of the world, the religion is under siege. Can it survive? Will it succumb to the advance of modern science and the modern thinkers who have little use for…
The Day the World Ended: Isaiah 24 Isaiah saw a vision of it
I saw how the world ended! “The world ended. I saw it. It was a day like every other day, but it turned out to be like none before it.” The prophet Isaiah continues his long steady push toward the end of God’s story. In the next four chapters, he gives us a clear glimpse…
What is the Abomination of Desolation in Daniel?
What is the Abomination of Desolation? Jesus warned his disciples about something called the Abomination of Desolation. He referred to one of the most respected prophets in Israel’s history when he said Daniel the prophet wrote about this subject. But what is the Abomination of Desolation? There has been a lot of conjecture, but does…