Tag: great awakening
Jesus Revolution: A Story of bold Love & Spiritual Awakening
Jesus Revolution, looking back and moving forward The movie, “Jesus Revolution” was a wonderful reminder of my early years as a young believer. By God’s grace, I was blessed to have lived in the middle of that beautiful experience. What follows is a summary of that revolution. The world needed a revolution then. It needs…
THE BOOK OF REVELATION Session 39: The Fourth Beast
THE BOOK OF REVELATION Session 39: featuring Joel Richardson In this post, I ask the reader/viewer to consider another of Joel Richardson’s Youtube Video sessions. “THE BOOK OF REVELATION Session 39: The Fourth Beast…” I am an unapologetic admirer of Joel, his humility, teaching style, attention to accurate study, and interpretation of the scriptures. Not…
Malachi 1: Unholy sacrifices and worship. A Gentile answer
Malachi 1: the first chapter of the last book of the O. T. Malachi 1: The last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, contains at least two of the most significant prophecies in all of God’s story. Significant because, in the book, we read of clear signs, or events, that are prophesied. Rather than vague…
Pre-Wrath Rapture versus 7 Pre-Tribulation Rapture Problems
The Pre-wrath rapture more correctly handles some issues found in the Pre-trib model. The Pre-trib “theory” of the rapture contains some challenges that are difficult to reconcile with the scriptures. Here for example. Sorry, but it’s true. There are too many weak points in that interpretation. On the other hand, the Pre-wrath position aligns more…
Daniel Two Statue, a 10,000-foot view of the prophecy statue
Daniel Two sets the foundational storyline and thus is more important than Daniel Chapter Nine. Here is my advice regarding the Book of Daniel. Study Daniel two. Know it well first. Then you will be ready to move on to the other chapters. It is very common for Bible prophecy students to spend a lot…
Daniel One, from a ten thousand foot view.
Take a look at Daniel One from a 10,000-foot perspective. From 10,000 feet, we can see things more clearly. Daniel One begins the journey through the incredible prophecies of Daniel. So, that is where I’ll start these 10,000-foot overviews of the book. Over the last several years, I’ve come to believe that the book of…
“Say His Name!” “No Justice No Peace!” His Name is Jesus!
Β The crowds shout, “Say his name!” They say they want justice, but they really want revenge. “Say his name!” They shout in unison. ” “Say her name!” They shout again. “No justice, no peace!” The chants for revenge escalate to roars. Marching in the streets leads to torching businesses and churches. And the impassioned cries…
Israel & the United Arab Emirates reach historic peace deal
Israel and the United Arab Emirates agreed on a peace deal. Peace at last! Or, at least for a few minutes anyway. π The United Arab Emirates has begun the peace process with Israel. I call it a process because this is the first step. Many other steps will follow. First, here are just…
The Mediterranean Sea: From Patmos, John saw the beast rise
The beast rises from the Mediterranean Sea. John saw a vision in the Mediterranean Sea. The Apostle John was held captive on the island of Patmos. From that vantage point, he saw the beast from the sea rise to power. It was a vision. In the vision, the Lord showed the last remaining apostle how…
Return to God. Was the Hagia Sophia a warning to Christians
Return to God. The One who sent His Son Jesus. In the Garden of Eden, Eve ate a piece of fruit. At the time, it seemed innocent. But we know the truth. Her actions required a return to God. But instead, she defended herself. Blamed others. And so the deadly pattern of history was set…