Tag: Jesus
The Stone Kingdom: Daniel’s Statue part 5: Kingdoms fall
The Stone Kingdom and the return of Jesus The prophet Daniel saw the rise of the Stone Kingdom of Christ. I refer to it as a stone kingdom because of the imagery revealed in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The king saw a rock that came out of heaven and dramatically crushed all the kingdoms of men…
Eschatology 101: 4 different views of the Last Days
Four primary views of the end times. Let’s call this Eschatology 101. In this article, we’ll explore eschatology 101. Eschatology is the study of the last days as revealed in the Bible. In this post, I will summarize each eschatological view. And it is important to point out, that this is not a side issue.…
Legs of Iron and Feet of Clay: Daniel’s Statue part 4
Legs of Iron and Feet of Clay. Was this the Roman Empire? What were the legs of iron and feet of clay? The prophet Daniel interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in chapter two of the Book of Daniel. The king saw a statue that represented four great empires. Later, Daniel had his own vision in which…
The God of Israel: Isaiah 41: predicted the future
The Holy One of Israel — God Almighty — made bold predictions. Isaiah was a prophet to the Nation of Israel. In the Book of Isaiah, we see a lot of bold prophecies. In those, God predicts future events. Here in chapter forty-one of his series of prophetic passages, Isaiah quotes from the Lord. The…
The Faithful in Christ, Jesus said, must remain awake & alert
Jesus warned the faithful church. Be ready, and stay awake. According to the words of Jesus, the faithful believer is awake and alert for the return of Christ. If you ignore Bible prophecy and treat it as a supplemental portion of the scripture, you may fit the description of the sleepy Christian to which Jesus…
The Days of Noah. Olivet Discourse: a return to Noah’s days?
As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when Jesus returns. We don’t know what it was like in the days of Noah, but the world will get a glimpse of that history before Jesus returns. Many people might be correct when they argue that society has already reached the norms…
The Tribulation: before during or after? Rapture Part Three
The tribulation is coming. Rough road ahead. If the tribulation is coming does the church have to worry about it? Many teachers say no, but is that true? In the video, linked below, the rapture part three, Ken Johnson lays out his reasons why he supports a pre-tribulation rapture. This is the third article of…
The Rapture Part 2. Is the Rapture Biblical, was Paul wrong?
The rapture part two: Taking a closer look In the video below, ‘The Rapture part two’ teacher Ken Johnson goes further to support his view of the Rapture. And specifically, his belief that the rapture event will occur before the start of the seven-year tribulation. The Apostle Paul assures the believers that the Day of…
The Bronze Kingdom: Daniel’s Statue Part 3: a Swift Leopard
The Belly and Thighs were Bronze: The Bronze Kingdom of Greece — The Swift Leopard In Daniel’s statue, see here, and here, the third kingdom was the bronze kingdom of Greece. Historically it matches the rule of Alexander the Great. This article continues a series in which we consider two important prophecy passages from the…
The day or the hour: Olivet Discourse: No Man Knows so watch
No Man knows the day or the hour Really, no one knows the day or the hour? Did Jesus mean to say that even he was unaware of the day of his return? How is that possible if he as God, knows everything? In this article, we’ll suggest a possible answer. But, when the frail flesh…