Tag: Middle East Peace
Jewish News Syndicate: Sunni-Arab States & peace with Israel
Peace deals are explained in a recent article in the Jewish News Syndicate. Recently, we have seen a few surprising peace deals in the Middle East. The Jewish News Syndicate clearly explains some of the reasons for these deals. The Trump administration has received credit for pushing these countries together. And rightly so. But the…
The Nation of Chad and Israel restore diplomatic relations
The nation of Chad has chosen to restore relations with Israel. If you aren’t familiar with the Nation of Chad, you’re not alone. It’s not a nation that finds itself in the news very often. But in a recent news story, the typically overlooked country took a bold move to restore diplomatic relations with the Nation…
Will Economic goals, bring Peace to Israel & Saudi Arabia?
Economic Ambitions will lead to peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia. There will be peace in the Middle East. It could be sooner than many think. There are economic plans underway to create peace between Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. It seems like a fanciful dream but I believe it’s almost certain to happen.…