Tag: Return of Christ
Mark 13:34 Jesus will return after a long journey. But how long?
The message of The Olivet Discourse doesn’t conclude until a man returns from a long journey. So, how long is the journey, and who is the man who makes that long trip? This article continues our look at the Olivet Discourse, which was an informal teaching Jesus gave to some of his close friends. It…
Beginning of Sorrows: The Olivet Discourse Matt. 24:4-8
The beginning of Sorrows. Jesus said it gets worse The beginning of sorrows is just the start of the scary end-time scenario which Jesus unveiled in his Olivet Discourse. In the last article on this subject, (here) I limited the topic to one verse, Matthew 24:4. In that verse, Jesus warned his disciples against being…
Rebuilt-temple in Jerusalem? Will we see this soon?
A Rebuilt-temple in Jerusalem. It’s remarkable to imagine that Jewish believers could someday soon start worshipping, bringing animal sacrifices, and praying once again at a rebuilt-temple in Jerusalem. When I say soon, I’m not referring to any day or any moment. It is probable that a rebuilt-temple in Jerusalem is still years away. Maybe it’s…
Nebuchadnezzar-Daniel 2: Timing of Lord’s Return Revealed
Daniel Chapter Two: Nebuchadnezzar &The Timing of the return of Jesus Revealed King Nebuchadnezzar saw the return of Jesus. The timing of his return was revealed, but the great King had no idea what or who he saw. He needed answers to a troubling dream. God provided those answers. (Dreams can have important meanings) He…