Category: Current News
Will Economic goals, bring Peace to Israel & Saudi Arabia?
Economic Ambitions will lead to peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia. There will be peace in the Middle East. It could be sooner than many think. There are economic plans underway to create peace between Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. It seems like a fanciful dream but I believe it’s almost certain to happen.…
From Sad News to Bad News, The World is Not Getting Better. Franklin Graham
The World is not getting better The world, this place we call home is in a ‘world of hurt.’ We are heading down a path we will not be able to find our way back from. Evolution is not helping. Darwin’s theory gave many hope that we would evolve into a better form of humanity.…
Rebuilt-temple in Jerusalem? Will we see this soon?
A Rebuilt-temple in Jerusalem. It’s remarkable to imagine that Jewish believers could someday soon start worshipping, bringing animal sacrifices, and praying once again at a rebuilt-temple in Jerusalem. When I say soon, I’m not referring to any day or any moment. It is probable that a rebuilt-temple in Jerusalem is still years away. Maybe it’s…
A Slanderous Accuser. How David dealt with this. Psalm 7
David trusted in God’s Deliverance from a Slanderous Accuser Brave women are finally telling their stories at the same time that one slanderous accuser after another is taking advantage and spewing lies. Who is telling the truth? Only God knows. Psalm Seven; David responds to his slanderous accuser by pleading with God to judge him…
Temple Talks? Where will US, Israeli and Saudi talks lead ?
Peace and a Temple in Jerusalem? Hebrews 12:14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness, no one will see the Lord. Peace isn’t likely anytime soon, but what about a temple? The United States administration could be working on both. That’s just wild speculation on my part,…
A Confederation of Peace, versus a war machine. Saudi/Iran
Saudi Arabia is putting together a confederation of peace. Iran, on the other hand, is at war with any who stand in their way. A confederation is forming. What role will it play in Bible prophecy–if any? Iran and Saudi Arabia are in the midst of a fight to control the Middle East. They are…
Saudi Arabia Leads a Peaceful Alliance of Islamic Nations
Saudi Arabia is leading a Peaceful Alliance of Islamic Nations In the name of peace, they are vowing to ‘wipe terrorists from the earth.’ Saudi Arabia is leading an effort to bring peace to the Middle East. That’s their stated goal. They probably have other goals than that stated one but they say they want peace.…
George Washington’s National Thanksgiving Proclamation
George Washington and the Thanksgiving Proclamation: George Washington, our first president instituted the first Thanksgiving. Before the first special day, he read a statement to the public proclaiming the establishment of this new holiday. A few things stood out to me when I read the text of his proclamation. So, did we have a religious…
Claim: plant respiration of CO2 into atmosphere underestimated by 30%
Is CO2 a pollutant? CO2 or Carbon dioxide is no doubt a natural component of our atmosphere but in „normal levels“, meaning that branding CO2 as pollutant refers only to increased levels of CO2 in our atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is thought by many scientists to be the greenhouse gas most responsible for climate change. …
Alarming News Stories about Saudi Arabia Point to a Great War Coming
Saudi Arabian warmups are over. The real wars could begin soon: Saudi Arabia grabs news headlines. There has been a series of news stories coming out of the Middle East that indicate serious trouble is threatening the region. These news stories refer to events that point to the very real threat of a great war…