Category: End Times Teaching
The Day of Vengeance: Isaiah 34 Part One: Warning!
God warned the nations, that the day of vengeance is coming. In this chapter, Isaiah describes what he calls “the day of vengeance.” That is the day of judgment that the world has been warned about for thousands of years. That day will be a day of graphic content, bloody swords, rotting corpses, and rivers…
The day after Abomination: Olivet Discourse: Matt. 24:16-20
Run! The day after the Abomination of Desolation On the day after the Abomination of Desolation, I hope you don’t have any plans. Jesus already planned the day for you. There’s only one important thing to remember. Run faster on the day after Jesus gave this message to his disciples on the night before his betrayal.…
The Gospel: Matt. 24: 13-15 & the Abomination of Desolation
The Gospel of the Kingdom is preached before the end comes. The Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ has provided salvation for humanity. Many people don’t care to take part in that salvation but that’s another issue. The Gospel was preached before and then during the ministry of Jesus and the preaching has…
A better future: Focus on that. Peace on Earth will come
A much better future is coming. There is a better future coming. So don’t let yourself become distracted by the noise from the growing chaos around us. The end is near. The good end that is. Keep focused on the good ending that God has promised us. Things will get better, a brighter and far…
Preterism claims most biblical prophecies already happened
What is Preterism, and why you should care? Preterism is a widely held view in the study of Bible prophecy. Those who hold that view aren’t demonic spawns of the devil just because they dare to interpret the Bible differently. Actually, in most cases, 🙂 they are God-fearing Christians with different points of view. …
Prophecy: the unfolding of God’s plan. Welcome the future!
Read some of the top Bible prophecy verses Are you interested in Bible Prophecy? If you are, then you are most likely familiar with some of the verses below. What are the verses or passages you believe are crucial to God’s prophetic message? Who is your favorite prophet or what is your favorite prophetic book?…
Beginning of Sorrows: The Olivet Discourse Matt. 24:4-8
The beginning of Sorrows. Jesus said it gets worse The beginning of sorrows is just the start of the scary end-time scenario which Jesus unveiled in his Olivet Discourse. In the last article on this subject, (here) I limited the topic to one verse, Matthew 24:4. In that verse, Jesus warned his disciples against being…
Isaiah 32:1-10 Who is the Righteous King of peace?
Isaiah 32: The Messianic Kingdom. A Righteous King will rule This is a beautiful chapter. It contains some much-needed good news about a righteous King and a future kingdom. In it, the prophet makes clear there is a lot of good news in the Bible. Yes, there are judgments and warnings, but the whole of the story…
Deception: Jesus warned us to beware Matt. 24:4
Jesus warned about deception but did we listen? There is a great deal of deception and false teaching surrounding Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 & 25. Jesus and a few of his close disciples sat on the Mount of Olives. They discussed future events and the end of the age. Jesus’ primary focus was far…
Return to God: Isaiah 31: back to God
On the brink of defeat, Isaiah encouraged Israel to go back to God Go back to God. That’s one of the predominant themes throughout scripture. Isaiah returns to this message once again, because the Jewish people just weren’t learning their lessons. The prophet often told them that Assyria would attack them. Those warnings were intended…