Category: End Times Teaching
A vision of God’s surpassing Glory & Judgment: Habakkuk 2:
The Lord answered the prophet’s question with a vision Write the Vision, and make it plain for those who read it. In the first chapter of Habakkuk, we read about the prophet’s frustration with the declining spiritual condition of the Nation of Judah. There were corrupt judicial systems, increasing levels of violence, and the general…
Habakkuk One: A stunning answer from God
The Prophet Habakkuk had a problem with God’s plan Habakkuk had a problem with God’s way of doing things. Does that sound familiar? The prophet, as far as we can tell, was a humble, godly man, with a high moral character. But he didn’t like the direction things were going in his local city or…
Drunkards Beware: Isaiah 28:1-13 Drunkards were warned
God warned the drunkards but they spewed chunks anyway Drunkards: Many of us have images of drunkards lying in streets or dark alleyways living useless and empty lives. In this chapter of the Book of Isaiah, the drunkards aren’t homeless people, but God’s priests and prophets. Isaiah was a high-character man of God. He was…
Did the Church Fathers know the identity of the Antichrist?
The early church fathers wrote about the Antichrist. The early church fathers and the Antichrist: When I say ‘early church fathers,’ I’m referring to the disciples of the first disciples. In the Bible, we read about the twelve disciples who followed Jesus. There were many others in the crowds who followed, but not as closely.…
The Great Tribulation began in 70 A.D? Many teachers say yes
Are we living through the Great Tribulation right now? What is the Great Tribulation? This post is moderately brief. It will lay some groundwork for later articles. The Great Tribulation is a seven-year period during which God pours out his wrath on an unbelieving world. That’s a simple definition. Many people believe it’s only three…
Leviathan the piercing serpent. Isaiah 27: the Lord punishes
Leviathan, the twisted serpent meets the sword of God’s wrath Who or what is Leviathan? In the last days, God will use his sword of wrath to judge the red dragon. Isaiah calls him Leviathan. Isaiah’s ‘Leviathan’ is also called the piercing or the twisted serpent. It will be a disguise worn by Satan. It’s…
The Restoration of Israel as the Messiah returns. Romans 11
The Restoration of Israel; after the return of Christ The Lord knew that restoration of Israel would be necessary. As is often the case, He waits until the last moment to accomplish what he always intended to do. Israel’s restoration will be in the last days. Jesus will return in the clouds when death, famine,…
God Forbid! Romans 11: The Lord is not Done with Israel
God Forbid that the Chosen People are cast aside forever. God forbid! That was Paul’s reaction to the suggestion that God had cast aside the Chosen People for good. It did not happen. God made a promise to the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The promise to those men and their families did not depend…
Romans 10: Israel set aside then provoked. The reason why
Israel set aside for a season–a very long season. The Lord God of Israel set aside the Chosen People in order to provoke them and stir anger in them. That anger will eventually bring them back to the God they abandoned. Yes, they abandoned God, but he didn’t abandon them. They left their God for…
Romans 9: Has God Rejected Israel? Or Still in God’s Plan?
Has God Rejected Israel? The Jews were rejected by God, and rejected by most people and many of the nations of the world. This is the first of a series of articles touching on the spiritual condition of Israel and whether God is through with them. The Apostle Paul had a passionate concern for his…