Category: End Times Teaching
Armageddon Joel 3:9-16 God accepts challenge of false gods
The Final Showdown of Armageddon: Armageddon is going to be “God versus the nations” In the last chapter of Joel, the Lord calls for the war of Armageddon to begin. This is literally the war-to-end-all-wars. Many have heard the word used so often it has lost its sense of impending doom and destruction. As we…
Valley of Decision: Joel 3:1-8 The Lord brings the nations
Joel 3:1-8 God will bring the nations into the Valley of Decision? The decision to follow God or choose a different path falls on each individual. For now anyway. God graciously granted Adam, Eve, and all their descendants the freedom to choose at the time and manner they feel is best. The options are plentiful and attractive…
Isaiah 23: Judgment of Tyre-70 years for forgotten city
The Judgment Against the forgotten city of Tyre This prophecy about the City of Tyre gives us further proof of the accuracy of God’s Word. I am fascinated with scripture anyway, but this chapter is another fascinating passage in the field of Bible prophecy. The Bible makes the claim that the future is known by…
The Holy People destroyed? Daniel 8:15-27 the Antichrist
The Antichrist will attack and destroy the Holy People At the time of the end, the days before the return of Jesus Christ, the holy people will endure a fierce assault. This passage in Daniel, verses 15-27, tells us the Antichrist will “destroy the holy people.” That is a pretty ominous claim. This attack on…
Daniel 8: The Ram and Goat War & the Antichrist revealed
Dan 8:1-14. THE VISION OF THE RAM AND THE GOAT WARS: The Great ram goes to war with the Goat. Daniel chapter eight is one of the most important Bible prophecy passages that we can study. In this chapter, we learn important details about the end of the age in which we currently live. When Daniel…
Wonders in the Heavens: Joel 2: Sun 2 darkness, moon 2 blood
Wonders in the Heavens: Before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord What are the ‘wonders in the heavens,‘ the Bible refers to in the last days? In the Book of Joel, we are told the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood before the Lord returns. Has this already…
Will Economic goals, bring Peace to Israel & Saudi Arabia?
Economic Ambitions will lead to peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia. There will be peace in the Middle East. It could be sooner than many think. There are economic plans underway to create peace between Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. It seems like a fanciful dream but I believe it’s almost certain to happen.…
Blow The Trumpet in Zion: Joel 2:1-11 The day of the Lord!
Blow The Trumpet in Zion. A day of darkness is coming The second chapter of Joel begins with a reference to the name Zion so we should try to understand its meaning. We’ve heard the word but do we understand the biblical meaning? Questions we might ask are; “Where is the city of Zion, what…
Joel Chapter One: The Day of The Lord is at Hand!
The Day of the Lord is at hand, And Israel had the grasshoppers to prove it. The Book of Joel is very short but is an important prophecy book. It is filled with apocalyptic imagery and phrases, recording historical events over two thousand years ago and pointing to the future Day of The Lord, just…
Persecution: 5th Seal of Rev. Will Christians face this?
Persecution: The Fifth Seal in the Book of Revelation. Believers will endure severe persecution during the fast-approaching time of tribulation. But will those believers deserve what they get? Perhaps those are just half-hearted believers. Maybe they’re like the ill-prepared virgins we read about in the Parable of the ten virgins. Many Christian pastors and teachers…