A better future awaits us. Calm your mind with God's Word

As the world goes crazy, set your mind on things above.

Set your mind on things that bring peace to you and others.

The Apostle Paul told the Colossians, “Set your mind on things above.”

Personally, I’m concerned when I look at the news. But I have peace in God. There is no reason not to. I have complete confidence that the Lord will restore peace to this broken planet.

I’ve always loved what Paul told his friends in the Colossian Church. For them, things weren’t always great. They lived under the iron-fisted rule of the Roman Empire. There were many times when the mind of many Christians was distracted by the challenges they faced. Just putting food on the table or earning a living was difficult.

But Paul said, “Set your mind on things above.”

People in those days, didn’t usually live past the age of 50, let alone 80 or 90 like many of us do today. Washing hands at an indoor sink and drying them with a clean towel wasn’t a possibility. But in our challenges today, we can wash our hands often. And visit a refrigerator full of choices. Our lives are easy, so rejoice.

The Lord’s got this!

Remember Paul, he encouraged the church to “Set the mind on things above.”

When the early Christians declared their faith in Christ. Their lives were often turned upside down. If they were of the Jewish faith, they were disowned, cast out of the synagogue, and often pushed out of the villages in which they lived. In America, many people watch the news and they worry. And they should. Things are changing and that’s not comfortable.

You know, even though you won’t hear it, many people around the world hope America gets through this tough time. There’s not another country like America. But of course, we have poorly educated youth who have learned a corrupted version of history. And that’s the fault of a broken education system. That brokenness is surely systemic.


Paul told his friends long ago, “Set your mind on things above.” And he would tell us the same thing today.

I won’t tell you things will get better soon. They may not. But they will get better in the end. And the end is coming. As in, a beautiful spring of new-birth and restoration. But before the morning dawns on a new era of peace, we must go through a dark midnight hour. But the dawn awaits.

So trust, and rejoice.





Jesus is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Jesus will return and fix all this mess.

When the Lord returns, justice will prevail, evil will end and the unrighteousness of mankind’s rule will come to a welcome end.

I’m looking forward to the return of Jesus. That will be a marvelous day. A day of unspeakable joy.

The Lord will come in the clouds. If the Lord sees fit, I’ll stand on the earth and cheer his arrival. And I’m sure a rush of joyful tears will stream down my face. But if I’m not standing on that day, I’ll trail behind him with the countless number of saints as he comes through the clouds.

There will be triumphant shouting on that day.

So look up, for your redemption draws near. Keep your mind on the things above.


Colossians 3:2 Set your mind where it belongs

Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.


Colossians 3:1

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.


1 Chronicles 22:19

Now set your heart and your soul to seek the LORD your God





Calm your mind with God's Word


The ClayWriter


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