Christian persecution intensifying worldwide & getting worse

The facts are clear. Christian persecution is spreading worldwide.

Christian persecution has reached extreme levels in many parts of the world. It’s not an anomaly, it’s growing worse. In the Bible, we find there are many warnings that every Christian should be aware of. Jesus warned his disciples that they would suffer persecution. And of course, he was right. Only one of the first twelve disciples died a natural death. Judas hung himself. But that was because he betrayed the innocent Son of God. The Apostle John lived a long life and died of old age. But Christian tradition records that his enemies tried to boil him in oil.

The story, probably false, says that he survived because the Lord had future plans for him. He went on to write the Book of Revelation. The boiling oil story is probably fabricated. But John did outlive his fellow disciples. He wrote the Book of Revelation while presumably incarcerated on the Isle of Patmos. Along with Stephen, the remaining ten disciples experienced the first wave of Christian persecution.


Romans 8:35

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?


Jewish jealousy

The religious leaders in Israel brutally murdered Jesus. They were jealous of him. Plus, he had the audacity to claim he was the Son of God. The scriptures backed up Jesus’ claims, but the Jews weren’t interested in facts, just power, and control. Aren’t we glad people don’t act that way anymore? Oh, wait…


Jesus warned his followers that they should expect nothing less when they choose to follow him. Christian persecution is increasing everywhere around the globe. And the world community yawns.

Should Christians fight back? No. Sorry, but the crusades were not the most brilliant idea ever hatched by Christian thinkers. Peter tried to defend Jesus when they were taking him captive. Jesus’ response is one of the most famous golden nuggets of literature.


Christ’s words to Peter.

“Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword.”


If you live by the sword, you’ll die by the sword. If you live a violent life, you’ll most likely die a violent death. Christians sing about being in the Lord’s army, but we are not called to take up arms against opposing religions. We can and should defend ourselves and our families, and we can serve in the military to defend our nation. We can serve in law enforcement and defend our communities. But we are not called to create an army and fight religions with different points of view.

Christ will lead that effort in the last days. The time will come for God to act as a roaring lion against the vicious treatment of Christians. That time is drawing closer, but there is still much that needs to change. As we wait, the persecution of Christianity will continue. It will increase to an unheard-of level in the future. Jesus will break through the clouds of heaven on that day. Those who raised a sword against his people will pay a stiff price for their actions.


Revelation 2:10

Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.



Christian Persecution is worse than you’ve been told

Read some news that is not usually found on the front pages or on top of the news feed.

Germany starts to wake up to Christian persecution.

Here’s a quote from the above article.

After having given up any reference to God or Christianity in their public and private, lives, Germany may be ready to admit as to what is happening regarding Christian persecution across Europe, and even the world. However, it may be too little, too late.


The article also points out that Christians are the most targeted religious group in 144 countries around the world. And that number is growing.

One hundred and forty-four! How many countries are missing from that total? Will the number soon include every country in the world? Probably.


Other noteworthy articles.


The worst attack on Christians in recent Asian history

The city Satan tried to destroy but couldn’t


But the Lord will rescue his people, as we see in the following verse.


Zechariah 12:8

On that day the LORD will shield those who live in Jerusalem, so that the feeblest among them will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the LORD going before them.


Difficult times are coming. Are you ready, awake, praying, or studying? If you still believe in the pre-tribulation rapture, I implore you to put aside your Youtube videos and take a closer look at your Bible. If that offends you, good. Now take a look at your Bible, not your favorite pre-trib preacher. I was a pre-trib pastor and preacher for years but had to swallow hard and accept what was staring me in the face. The scriptures don’t lie but false interpretations do. It’s hard to change, but sometimes it must be done.





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6 responses to “Christian persecution intensifying worldwide & getting worse”

  1. I am one of those that believes that Jesus will take us out before God’s wrath and judgement falls on the earth🤔.
    I agree with your post, Christian persecution is on the increase. I believe persecution has a purpose.

    1. Doug Drake Avatar
      Doug Drake

      Well, that is certainly a popularly held view, (the departure before the intense persecution begins). And yes, persecution does have a purpose, always has and will. It will continue up to the time Jesus personally intervenes during the tribulation.

      For me, the early rapture position was a no-brainer for years. It made so much sense when I learned it from my pastors and teachers. But after years of learning and then teaching that position, I began to feel a nagging urgency to reexamine that interpretation. I’m not one to get dreams and visions and direct revelations from God (though some do). I depend on a God-given love for His Word and study skills that He has helped me to develop.
      Reading and learning from the scriptures is the time-tested best way to understand God’s plans and purposes. If God intended us to learn most from dreams he would have given us pillows instead of the Bible. 🙂
      I’m sure you agree with that, as do most Christians.
      But so many of us, I included, get attached to favorite teachers and doctrines.
      Unknowingly, we end up promoting doctrinal positions that aren’t supported by the scriptures.
      Here’s an example:
      Since the late “70’s” prophecy teachers were suggesting that Jesus predicted that when Israel was reborn in 1948 that was the “last generation” before the return of Christ.
      First off, Jesus never said that. It was bad theology and terrible interpretive skills.
      And those same prophecy teachers said 40 years was a generation.
      The Bible never says that either, but it was taught as fact.
      When Jesus didn’t return as suspected, the generation length grew to 60, then 70 and then 80 years.
      And some gave up on the 1948 date and switched to 1967 so they could continue to use 40 years.
      All the while, the teachers were adding years to a prophecy that didn’t exist.
      Jesus never said what modern day prophecy teachers claimed.
      I noticed it and that truth and many others nagged at me. But I respected my teachers and kept my thoughts to myself as it was expected of me.
      To doubt them was to show a lack of understanding, faith, or even heresy, or so, many Christians would claim. I never believed that but still, I kept the nagging convictions to my own thoughts.

      There are several other key things that never fit. I could go on, but the point is the pre-tribulation rapture had interpretation “challenges.” But too many are locked into positions and unwilling to take a closer look.

      I say this respectfully to you and all others who hold your position.


  2. Thank you. I appreciate your response. Bible Prophecy fascinates me. Over the years I have studied the 3 rapture positions. I am not a Bible scholar, I study in faith trusting God to guide me. A few days ago I was introduced to the pre wrath view of the rapture. Are you familiar ? Totally new for me. I hold to the pre tribulation rapture because I personally believe this is what the Bible teaches. But I will not go into a debate. I will respect the views of others. After all the rapture is not the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    I enjoy reading your articles. Although I may have a different view.
    God bless you Doug.

    1. Doug Drake Avatar
      Doug Drake

      And thank you too,
      I’m blessed to share thoughts and ideas with you. I say you are a scholar, just without the initials at the end of your name.
      I don’t have any initials either so we’re in the same club. 🙂
      If we study well and trust the Holy Spirit, he will lead us into a proper understanding of the Word.
      Christians often make mistakes in being too trusting of some teachers.

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