Dalton Thomas: The Mid-East War to End all Wars Daniel 11

Dalton Thomas expects another war to end all wars.

If you like history, especially war history, Dalton Thomas will challenge the common beliefs expressed at the end of World War One. That first World War was devastating and all-encompassing. When it finished, leaders claimed it was the war that would end all wars. But the second World War quickly followed and it far surpassed the first in many ways.

If you’re old enough to remember how to read a book, you’ll know about the brutality of Hitler toward the Jewish people. But when Hitler shot himself, shortening the war in Europe, it continued into another phase of darkness and bloodshed. The land and sea battles between Japan and the United States ended with the first and only use of nuclear weapons unleashed in wartime.

Is another war, far worse than anyone could ever imagine, in the world’s future? There’s no question about that. When? That’s up to the Lord, but the prophets are clear. Daniel is just one of many who painted an ugly picture of what the future holds.


Dalton Thomas explores the detailed account of Daniel

Just below, I’ve added another video from Dalton Thomas. This video continues his study in the visions and writings of the prophet Daniel. As usual, he goes verse by verse. In this next study, he focuses attention on the war-like nature of the last brutal king before the return of Christ. And to call it brutal is putting it very mildly. We could call it “Brutal on Steriods” perhaps, to coin a familiar phrase of today.

And as I noted in a previous post, Jesus commented on the conditions of those final days. An ending so brutal, Jesus said there will be no match for it in all of history.


Here’s his video. You can watch it here or go to the FAI app. He provides additional notes you might find helpful in your study. You can find the directions and links here. 


Dalton Thomas discusses the real war to end all wars.





If you want more articles about war and chaos there’s this.

In the following study, I wrote the following.

During his discourse, (The Olivet Discourse) about the end of the age, Jesus told his disciples about a future of wars. Wars are nothing new to the human experience. From the time mankind emerged from caves or the garden of Eden, (whichever story you choose to believe) mankind has been engaged in war with each other.


The biblical narrative is still disputed as to why there have been so many wars and conflicts. Is humanity really this evil, or are we pushed to hate one another?


For some, the answer is simple. It’s a lust for power, the sinful nature, and the need to control others. But others would argue that there’s something more nefarious and evil at work. They say that Satan and his demon hordes create devious schemes behind the scenes. And those efforts are driving humanity’s hatred toward each other. It will not stop until mankind is on the brink of destruction.

Is it just us or do we need Satan’s help to try to destroy ourselves?





And if that’s still not enough about war and mayhem, there’s this one. 

In this study, we touch on some controversies that have stirred heated discussions among Christians.

Along with the controversial topics, I wrote this.

In the near future, a leader of a group of nations will confirm a covenant between Israel. And then, the worst seven years of human history will begin. This is not good news, just the facts as recorded in the scriptures.


If you know your Bible, you may have thought that the story about Noah and the flood was bad. Well, you’re right, it was bad. Only eight people remained after that disaster. I believe that story is true, but I am in the minority view with that belief. Even a large number of Christians don’t believe that story. But the Lord kept bringing it to us throughout the scriptures, so He believes it happened. I’m always going to trust God rather than the beliefs of men. A large number of Christians don’t even read or study their Bible regularly. That’s not meant as an insult. It’s a loving rebuke and challenge. If you’re a Christian and not reading the Word, you better start — now.





So tell me, are you scared out of your mind, or steady as a rock as you wait patiently for the Lord’s will to be accomplished in the final days?




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Read the words of one of the earliest and most prolific Christian writers of the second century.

This writer, Hippolytus, studied under Ignatius, who was a disciple of the Apostle John. Reading the early writings allows us a closer glimpse into the understanding of the thought leaders in the early church as they grappled with and tried to understand the weighty responsibilities they had to carry the doctrines of Christ into the next century.

This is what you’ll find in this ‘book.’

His words, but with a little help for clarity.

Hippolytus was well-schooled in the Old Testament as well as the early New Testament writings. He was a strong advocate for a correct interpretation of the scriptures. He learned to read and interpret God’s Word from some of the greats of the early church disciples. And he also wrote extensively regarding heretical teaching, warning everyone to avoid false teaching.

“In Search of Antichrist,” includes a compilation of one of the many books from Hippolytus. You see how he researched the scriptures diligently in the hope of understanding this mysterious character known as the Antichrist.


My thoughts and comments

In the original form, the book is very hard to read. To help with that, I’ve added a few things, but only to support the reader to come to a clearer view of his work. I’ve added chapter headings, limited comments, and some key verses with their biblical addresses, ones to which the author referred. As you read, you’ll see that he never refers to chapter and verse in his study. That’s because there weren’t any chapters or verses in the earliest versions of the Bible. And that’s another reason to be impressed by the early students of the scriptures.

Also, I don’t agree with some of his conclusions. But I am intrigued to see how he went into the O.T. to find his ‘proofs’ for who he believed the Antichrist is.

I hope it’s helpful in your studies.


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