Jesus warned about wars and rumors of war

Matthew 24:6  You will hear of wars and rumors of war but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

During his discourse about the end of the age, Jesus told his disciples about “rumors of war” and the future of wars. Wars are nothing new to the human experience. From the time mankind emerged from caves or the Garden of Eden, (whichever story you choose to believe) mankind has been engaged in war with each other.

The biblical narrative is still disputed as to why there have been so many wars, “rumors of war” and ongoing conflicts. Is humanity really this evil, or are we pushed to hate one another?

For some, the answer is simple. It’s a lust for power, sinful nature, and the need to control others. But others would argue that there’s something more nefarious and evil at work. They say that Satan and his demon hordes create devious schemes behind the scenes. And those efforts are driving humanity’s hatred toward each other. It will not stop until mankind is on the brink of destruction.

Is it just us or do we need Satan’s help to try to destroy ourselves?


Mark 13:20

“If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them.”


The Lord spoke of a series of devasting wars that would be so bad that humanity’s survival would be at risk. Will we notice when that time comes? Will we care enough about one another to stop our efforts to destroy each other?

No. God will have to intervene.


Mark 13:22

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.


Jesus warned about future leaders that would lead people astray with lies and deceit. Even the elect of God will be at risk of falling to the lies. The destruction of the entire human race is the goal of Satan and his demonic warlords. They will nearly succeed.


Jesus gave his warning, nearly two thousand years ago. Since then, there has rarely been any time of peace. And now, we’ve seen two wars that reached previously unheard-of levels. World Wars one and two are now in the history books. We’ve created organizations designed to prevent such wars in the future. Those efforts to prevent war will fail. We all know that. But how bad will things get? The nuclear arsenals developed over the past few decades make annihilation of the planet very possible.

Only God can prevent that from happening. And he will, but only when that destruction seems inevitable.


Rumors of war and the end of all wars?

Or is this just the beginning?

Libya is at war again.

Two nuclear powers are on the brink of war again.

Russia supports failing Venezuela and dares the U.S. to stop them.


Rumors of war: Russia invades Ukraine:

How do Ukraine’s military capabilities measure up against Russia? | Fox News

Russian invades Ukraine in largest European attack since WWII | Fox News

NATO to activate defense forces after Russia invasion of Ukraine says peace in Europe ‘shattered’ | Fox News



At the time I am writing this, another broken nation-state is on the cusp of civil war. The nation of Libya was once one of the most prosperous and emerging countries on the African continent. Now they are run by warlords and being driven to destroy each other. The nation will hold together though. They are one of several nations that will join the final assault against Israel. That’s the final war to end all wars. We know it as “Armageddon.”

Libya, like Syria before it, is fracturing at the core. They are being prepared to be led by a final leader and a false messiah. That false leader will bring a coalition of nations against God’s plan.

He will fail.

God wins in the end.

Whose side are you on?




The ClayWriter


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