A good Bible commentary is important

Thompson-Chain Isaiah: Analysis of Prophet Isaiah’s message

Thompson-Chain Isaiah: A summary of the Book of Isaiah.

Thompson-Chain Isaiah: This is a great place to start in your study of the prophetic books in the Bible.


This is part of a series of posts in which I’ll emphasize the importance of studying the Bible as opposed to casual reading.

In this post, ‘Thompson-Chain Isaiah,’ I present a summary and short analysis of the Book of Isaiah. But this analysis did not originate with me. It is taken from my favorite study Bible, one to which I have turned countless times over the years. It is my hope that you, the reader, will gain a renewed or first-time interest in your own study of God’s Word. The Bible was never intended for casual reading but for serious study. If you haven’t yet begun, it is time you start studying the Bible. It is too serious to ignore, and it is your best protection against false doctrines.

The Thompson-Chain Reference Bible is the primary resource I have used for over forty years. And it has had an enormous impact on my personal understanding of God’s Word. I was fortunate enough to be introduced to this excellent study tool early in my Christian “journey.” I encourage you to take a look at this valuable tool and see how it will benefit your study of the Word of Truth.


Are you ready to understand God’s Word?

Do you realize that sometimes, we’re not ready to understand the depth of meaning found in God’s Word? Reading the Bible is a good habit to develop.

But studying the Bible is a far better habit. So, when we open our Bibles, let’s learn to study it rather than just read the words.

And let’s not forget the words of Christ to his disciples…


John 16:12

I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.


And the words of Paul the Apostle to young believers…

1 Corinthians 3:2

I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for solid food. In fact, you are still not ready.





Thompson-Chain Isaiah: Analyzing the book.


The Book of Isaiah


The Prophet


The son of Amoz.

He prophesied during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, chapter 1:1.

His call and anointing, chapter 6:1-8

His family, chapter 7:3; 8:3,4


Generally regarded as the greatest of the Old Testament prophets.


  1. Because he is preeminently the Prophet of Redemption
  2. Many of the passages in his book are among the finest in literature. Some modern scholars have studied this poetical prophecy as a botanist studies flowers, dissecting and analyzing them. By the use of this scientific method the beauty and unity of the book, like that of the rose, are almost forgotten as the different parts are pulled to pieces for examination.



Section 1, chapters 1-39, refers to chiefly to events leading up to the captivity.

  1. Exhortations and warnings of Divine judgments, mingled with predictions of better days and the coming of the Messiah, chapters 1-12
  2. Prophecies respecting surrounding nations, — Assyria, Babylonia, Moab, Egypt, Philistia, Syria, Edom, and Tyre, etc., chapters, 13-23.
  3. Chiefly woes pronounced upon Ephraim and Jerusalem, especially for trusting in foreign alliances, chapters 28-31.
  4. Promises of a Righteous King, and the outpouring of the Spirit, the exaltation of the Righteous, and the turning of the wilderness into a garden of the Lord, chapters 32-35.
  5. Hezekiah’s deliverance from the Assyrians and the lengthening of his life chapters 36-39.


Section 2

The second part of the book contains predictions, warnings, and promises which refer to events beyond the captivity and reach on down the centuries through the Christian dispensation.

This portion of the prophecy is especially rich in Messianic references.


The Key Word is Salvation.

Isaiah means, “Salvation of Jehovah.”


  1. Wells of, 12:3
  2. The joy of, 25:9
  3. Walls of, 26:1
  4. Everlasting, 45:17
  5. Day of, 49:8
  6. Feet of the heralds of, 52:7
  7. The spread of, 52:10
  8. The arm of, 59:16
  9. Helmet of, 59:17
  10. Garments of, 61:10
  11. Light of, 62:1


Seven everlastings


  1. Strength, 26:4
  2. Judgments, 33:14
  3. Joy, 35:10
  4. Salvation, 45:17
  5. Kindness, 54:8
  6. Covenant, 55:3
  7. Light, 60:19

See also Isaiah’s portrayal of Christ, number 4301.


More from the Prophetic Books of the Bible.

Isaiah 24, Armageddon and the end of the world as we know it.

Hold the Bible, and the future is in your hands.

John the Baptist: one man with two futures.



The ClayWriter



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