A good Bible commentary is important

Thompson-Chain Jeremiah: The message of the weeping prophet

Thompson-Chain Jeremiah. An overview of the prophet’s message.

In this post, Thompson-chain Jeremiah, you’ll find a summary of the message and words of the Old Testament prophet. He holds a title among many biblical scholars as, “the weeping prophet.” He earned the title because of the many tears shed for the woeful spiritual condition of the Jewish people. And of course, he was a first-hand witness of the fall of the Nation of Judah. The nation’s corrupt leadership blindly led them into decay, destruction, and eventual captivity at the hands of the Babylonians.

Jeremiah pleaded for years, hoping for a change of heart and national repentance. But repentance never came.

This book is especially important for those Bible students who believe we are living in the last days. Jeremiah experienced the last days of Judah. His words and experiences will need to be remembered again when the Church enters the final days before the return of Christ.


Don’t miss some of the most powerful passages found in the Bible such as the following…


Thompson-Chain Jeremiah. Some can’t miss passages.

  1. A tearful call to repentance
    1. Jeremiah 9:1 
      Oh that my head were waters And my eyes a fountain of tears, That I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!
  2. The depravity of the human heart
    1. Jeremiah 17:9
      “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?
  3. A parable: the clay and the potter
    1. Jeremiah 18
      “Go down at once to the potter’s house, and there I will reveal My message to you.”
  4. False shepherds
    1. Jeremiah 23
      “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!” says the LORD.
  5. The New Covenant
    1. Jeremiah 31:31-34
      Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah.


This is part of a series of posts in which I’ll emphasize the importance of studying the Bible as opposed to casual reading.

In this post, ‘Thompson-Chain Jeremiah,’ I present a summary and short analysis of the Book of Jeremiah. But this analysis did not originate with me. It is taken from my favorite study Bible, one to which I have turned countless times over the years. It is my hope that you, the reader, will gain a renewed or first-time interest in your own study of God’s Word. The Bible was never intended for casual reading but for serious study. If you haven’t yet begun, it is time you start studying the Bible. It is too serious to ignore, and it is your best protection against false doctrines.

The Thompson-Chain Reference Bible is the primary resource I have used for over forty years. And it has had an enormous impact on my personal understanding of God’s Word. I was fortunate enough to be introduced to this excellent study tool early in my Christian “journey.” I encourage you to take a look at this valuable tool and see how it will benefit your study of the Word of Truth.


Are you ready to understand God’s Word?

Do you realize that sometimes, we’re not ready to understand the depth of meaning found in God’s Word? Reading the Bible is a good habit to develop.

But studying the Bible is a far better habit. So, when we open our Bibles, let’s learn to study it rather than just read the words.

And let’s not forget the words of Christ to his disciples…


John 16:12

I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.


And the words of Paul the Apostle to young believers…

1 Corinthians 3:2

I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for solid food. In fact, you are still not ready.


A quick video review from The Bible Project:




Thompson-Chain Jeremiah: A summary


The Book of Jeremiah


It contains the biography and message of “The Weeping Prophet.”


The Period:


The dark days in the Kingdom of Judah. Starting from the 13th year of Josiah, (the last good king of Judah.) and covering up until some years beyond the Babylonian captivity.


Main Themes:


  1. The Backsliding of Judah
  2. Their captivity and Bondage
  3. Restoration of the Jewish people.


The Life of Jeremiah


Family, 1:1


Birth and Divine Choice as a Prophet, 1:5

Jeremiah’s youthful call, in the days of King Josiah, 1:2-6

Divine Enduement, 1:9

Commission, 1:10


The Promise of Divine Presence, 1:19

The pressure of the duty upon him, 20:9


Sustained by the Word of God, 15:16


Persecution of Jeremiah, predicted, 1:19


Put in stocks, 20:2


In prison in a miry dungeon, 38:6


Carried away into Egypt, 43:5-7


Synopsis of the Book


  1. Call of the prophet, chapter 1
  2. Rebukes, Warnings, and Promises to the Jews chapters 2-20
  3. A denunciation of the rulers, and of the False Shepherds and Prophets, chapters 21-23
  4. Predictions of divine Judgments, the Overthrow of Jerusalem, and the Seventy Years of captivity chapters 25-29
  5. Promises of the Restoration of the Jews chapters 30-33
  6. Prophecies occasioned by the sins of Jehoiakim and Zedekiah chapters 34-39.
  7. The wretched condition of the Remnant that was left in Judah and prophecies uttered to them, chapters 40-44.
  8. Consolation to Baruch, chapter 45.
  9. Prophecies concerning the Hostile Nations, chapters 46-51.


The Message from Thompson-Chain Jeremiah


Some Highlights of the book: The…


  1. Fountain and cistern, 2:13
  2. The ineradicable (deep-rooted and enduring) stain of sin, 2:22
  3. Search for a man, 5:1
  4. Old ways are best, 6:16
  5. Lost opportunity, 8:20
  6. Tearful call to repentance, 9:1
  7. Depravity of the human heart, 17:9
  8. Clay and the potter, chapter 18
  9. False shepherds, chapter 23
  10. How to find God, 29:13
  11. New Covenant, 31:31-34
  12. Mutilation of God’s Word, 36:21-24


Jeremiah was rejected by…


  1. Neighbors, 11:19-21
  2. His own family, 12:6
  3. The priests and prophets of his day, 20:1-2
  4. Friends, 20:10
  5. All the people, 26:8
  6. And the King, 36:23


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