Category: Current News
A Latter-time King: Is it Turkey’s Erdogan? Daniel 8
In the “latter-time,” a king of fierce countenance shall stand up. Today, in the “latter-time,” President Erdogan of Turkey is taking a stand against the U.S. In an article linked below you’ll find that Turkey is moving away from the United States and closer to Russia. Is he, President Erdogan, that ruler the prophet Daniel saw…
Turkey often takes the lead in denouncing Israel
Turkey is no longer satisfied with second place in the Arab world. The country of Turkey is moving to the front of the pack. They expect to lead the entire Arab/Muslim community of nations in the coming years. At this moment in history (2018) that seems unlikely but don’t underestimate the bold ambitions of that…
The Lord God will defend Israel when surrounded by enemies
The Lord God will defend Israel until he doesn’t. God will defend Israel against the relentless attacks from their enemies. The military of the modern state of Israel is capable of defending itself. Many feel as though they can provide their own protection. Their defenses are strong and their enemies are weak in comparison. But…
Jerusalem: Who owns this city, the Jews, Arabs, or another?
Jerusalem: The center of the fight between Jews and Arabs. Is Jerusalem the capital of Israel or Palestine? Should either one of them have an equal claim to the city? What do you think, has this mostly been a political debate among bitter enemies? Is there a spiritual component behind the constant divide? God’s…
Joel Richardson discusses the Syrian War and the Covenant with Israel
Joel Richardson on the Syrian war and God’s Covenant with Israel Israel: what is their relationship with God today? Are they still in a covenant relationship with the Lord? Have they lost their favor with God and can only hope to latch onto the coattails of Christians in order to get into heaven? On this…
Saudi Arabia Is Moving Closer To Peaceful Ties With Israel
Saudi Arabia wants peace; Correction; they need peace with Israel Author’s note and update: This article was first written almost three years ago. As of now, we are closer to the time of seeing its fulfillment. Saudi Arabia and Israel are currently in negotiations. I expect a positive announcement concerning those efforts in the near…
Will the Christian Church of Europe Die in this Generation?
Will the Christian Church survive in Europe? Many say that the Christian Church in Europe represents a dying religion. What do you think? In many parts of the world, the religion is under siege. Can it survive? Will it succumb to the advance of modern science and the modern thinkers who have little use for…
End-of-days scenario? Turkish Led Jihad Against Israel & US?
Will Turkey Lead An End-of-Days Global Islamic Jihad Against Israel And The US? End-of-days: The term used to be a scary thought but with the plethora of horror/zombie films, it almost seems like it would be fun. Everyone gets a shotgun, machete, or another wicked blood-letting weapon to use against the bad guys. The end-of-days scenario…
Report: Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan is Almost Finished
Report: Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan is Almost Finished Mideast peace is an elusive dream but recent news suggests it is possible and potentially close. A recent article floating around the internet suggests that the Trump administration is drawing closer to presenting their peace plan for the Middle East. Here’s a quote from the article. True to…
Turkey is at War. Is the nation of Turkey Daniel’s Goat?
Turkey: Is this country, the Goat in Daniel’s prophecy? Turkey will become the goat of Daniel’s prophecy in the coming years. Or so say, several Bible scholars. Daniel, the famous Jewish captive became God’s chosen prophet. And In that role as prophet, he saw a vision of a ram and goat at war with each…