Category: End Times Teaching
Was 9/11 Bible Prophecy? Isaiah 30:19-33 Your Thoughts?
On September 11th, 2001 two towers fell. Did Bible prophecy predict that? Bible Prophecy is a challenging subject as it is. We shouldn’t be making it more difficult by taking verses or passages out of context. The practice of many prophecy novices has been to start with an agenda or ‘pet doctrinal position,’ and find…
Isaiah 30:1-18 Top five ridiculous reasons why we don’t trust The Holy One of Israel
The Holy One of Israel offers his help. But fools reject it. Israel failed to fully trust in the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah’s messages throughout his sixty-six chapters reflected the varying degrees of that failure. Here in chapter thirty, we see some choices they made to avoid the Lord’s guidance when they could have…
On the Mount of Olives with the Controversies Jesus started
On the Mount of Olives, Jesus gave his most important prophecy. They sat in a quiet place on the Mount of Olives. There had been a long pause before Jesus’ friends asked some very important questions. We’re glad they asked those questions but we’re also still trying to figure out what the Lord meant when…
God of Israel to restore the Children of Jacob; Isaiah 29
The God of Israel took his chosen people through the fire. A shout out to the God-of-Israel and an apology to the readers. As you read this post, you’ll notice that I overuse the phrase ‘The God-of-Israel.’ There are two reasons for that. One: it’s an SEO thing that bloggers will understand. Two: The Lord…
Turkey often takes the lead in denouncing Israel
Turkey is no longer satisfied with second place in the Arab world. The country of Turkey is moving to the front of the pack. They expect to lead the entire Arab/Muslim community of nations in the coming years. At this moment in history (2018) that seems unlikely but don’t underestimate the bold ambitions of that…
The Lord God will defend Israel when surrounded by enemies
The Lord God will defend Israel until he doesn’t. God will defend Israel against the relentless attacks from their enemies. The military of the modern state of Israel is capable of defending itself. Many feel as though they can provide their own protection. Their defenses are strong and their enemies are weak in comparison. But…
Jerusalem: Who owns this city, the Jews, Arabs, or another?
Jerusalem: The center of the fight between Jews and Arabs. Is Jerusalem the capital of Israel or Palestine? Should either one of them have an equal claim to the city? What do you think, has this mostly been a political debate among bitter enemies? Is there a spiritual component behind the constant divide? God’s…
The Olivet Discourse: And the great sign, an Abomination
The Olivet Discourse: Jesus’ words of warning concerning the last days This article continues a series that explores the meaning of the Olivet Discourse. (See here) It is common to assume the Olivet Discourse is only chapter 24, but chapter 25 is very much a part of the whole context. The opening verse of chapter…
Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, Part 1: a critical Bible prophecy
Jesus’ Olivet Discourse Part One: Trying to Understand the words of Jesus “Jesus’ Olivet Discourse.” This article is the opening ‘salvo’ in what will be a series of articles addressing the interpretation of this crucial passage of prophetic scripture. The Lord said these things, and his closest disciples wrote them down. This passage has the…
Faith: Tested by trials & in the fire of reality Habakkuk 3:
Habakkuk’s Faith: Hind’s feet on high places Faith: Most Christians understand what faith is, but what does deep faith look like? And, along with that question, I have another one. Do you know what “deer-feet” faith looks like? If you haven’t heard of that, then read on. Faith isn’t faith without testing As…