Trump Administration set to leave Syria. Is this a repeat of Obama’s mistake?

The Trump administration is leaving Syria.

Administration officials are saying that ISIS is defeated. So, with that announcement, the Trump administration has surprised everyone with the news that their troops are leaving Syria.

When Donald Trump was campaigning for President of the United States, he made a lot of promises. One of those promises was a bold prediction about how he would deal with ISIS.

He said, and I quote, “We’ll bomb the hell out of ISIS.” Well, the military has followed up on that promise. The once powerful and growing ISIS caliphate is now a bitter and bloody memory that has seeped into the sands of the Middle East. Some fighters still remain but their leaders are dead. They no longer have a stable base of operations and their sources of income and weapons acquisition are gone.

That last point is very important and is forgotten in the growing debate about what the Trump Administration has decided. Most U.S military leaders along with politicians on both sides insist that this is the same mistake made by President Obama. They say he is removing troops too suddenly.

I disagree for one very important reason.

The Trump administration will not supply ISIS with weapons and fighting equipment as the prior administration did.


Didn’t Obama make the same mistake?

Obama’s mistake was huge, and some say it was done intentionally. His administration was largely in support of the idea of giving Iran a more prominent role in the Middle East. The Iran nuclear deal essentially helped push that agenda. A large amount of cash was involved in that deal. It’s been acknowledged that most of that cash was used to support Shia Muslim groups in the region.

That money and support were countered by the Sunni Muslim countries. For example, Saudi Arabia hoped to defeat Syria’s Assad and thwart Iranian expansion. So money poured in from both sides. And at the same time, the Arab Spring was taking place. This meant rebelling forces were fighting from Morrocco to Turkey. Money, soldiers, and weapons were pouring onto the battlefronts.

When the U.S. military departed Iraq too early, they left behind most of their equipment and weaponry. Later we realized that ISIS was the primary recipient of most of the U.S.’s weapons of war. The equipment they needed to wage war fell into their hands. We essentially gave it to them. We left the keys in the trucks and told them to have fun, and they did. There were numerous reports of the CIA’s involvement in supplies given to rebel groups that would help to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria. The Benghazi terror attack was said by some to be a cover for running weapons to the Syrian war.

See here. CIA used ISIS as a tool in the Syrian war.

Benghazi: Was it all about running guns to Syria?

What is Turkey’s role in the next war?



What will the Trump Administration do next?


Many of the usual war-loving suspects in U.S. politics are encouraging the President to rethink his decision to pull troops out of Syria. They say ISIS will come back.

I say it won’t for some important reasons.

  • ISIS leadership, as I said, is dead. And they aren’t coming back to life anytime soon.
  • Iran will not let ISIS rebuild. Remember, the throat-cutting demon worshippers were also fighting Iran’s version of Islam.
  • Turkey is preparing to step into Syria in much greater numbers and crush the Kurds. This could get ugly.
  • Russia is still in Syria.

With these three powerful militaries still in the region, a small rebel faction won’t have a chance to gain strength. That wasn’t the case when Obama had the troops pull out.

I believe the next phase of warfare in the Middle East is approaching. This will come about after this removal of troops by the United States. But ISIS won’t be the problem. Iran and Turkey are the problems. And Saudi Arabia and Egypt will have their part to play as well.

Things will explode in the coming years. Bible prophecy will develop just as the prophets predicted. Pay special attention to the Book of Daniel. In chapters seven and eight, and then again in chapters ten through twelve, we see a prediction of wars in the Middle East. The fought in the past. But in the future wars, it will end with the return of Christ.


A recent ISIS threat update

The Syria situation report






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