Walking Among Friends in Syria Can Get You Killed

Death arrived during a walk among friends

Several United States military personnel, walking with friends, lost their lives during a recent patrol in northern Syria. And I will point out that there were at least a dozen other innocent lives that were also killed. Plus there was the additional collateral damage of lost limbs, scarred lives, and businesses destroyed.

Well, such is the nature of war, and the country of Syria is currently the flash point of an expanding war. Many experts think or hope that the civil war is winding down. But they are wrong. It’s only morphing into another phase.

And just like in the last phase, no one can be trusted, and especially not “supposed” friends.



Daniel 9:26

After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.

The prophet Daniel received several of the most important prophetic visions recorded in the Bible. In the above verse, he wrote an ominous passage. He wrote, ‘War will continue until the end.’ That period of time encompasses almost the entire church age. After the destruction of the temple in 70 AD, the long age of wars began. In the biblical context, this two-thousand-year stretch is considered the last days.

The wars won’t stop until Jesus returns and puts an end to them.


A dangerous walk with friends


The attack in front of the Syrian restaurant was directed at the U.S. patrol. It succeeded in its mission. And it was the worse loss of American lives in the Syrian conflict since the start of the Trump presidency. Whenever U.S. troops attempt to leave an area of conflict, enemy forces try to get one last crack at them.


Why did it happen?


It was almost certainly a result of too many “friends” in the same region. In northern Syria, the U.S. was asked to patrol the streets because Syrian, Turkish, Kurdish, and rebel forces are present in the area.

The following quote gives us the reason for the patrol and also the probable reason for the attack.

Will the ISIS attack quicken Syrian withdrawal?

Manjib, where the bombing took place, is a large Arab city in the north of Syria that Kurdish forces, with American assistance, captured from the Islamic state in 2016.

“The danger to U.S. troops is much higher in Manjib, where Turkey and the U.S. faced off and Turkey demanded that the YPG, or Kurdish forces, not be present. This required the U.S. to go out on patrols, which puts them at great risk. If the U.S. decides to police a buffer zone between Turkey and the Kurdish parts of Syria, more Americans will be killed,” said Oklahoma University professor Joshua Landis, who heads their center of Middle East studies.

As the professor hinted at in his quote, American “friends” in the region hate each other. And that fact has and will continue to cost U.S. lives. Turkey is listed as an ally but they have knives ready as soon as the soldiers turn their backs.

Turkey is hell-bent on taking control of the region. They will kill every Kurdish soldier, mother, or son, as soon as the U.S. leaves the region.

And biblical prophecy implicates the region of Turkey in the final conflicts before the return of Christ.

It will get worse, much worse before it gets better.





John 15:13

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.



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