What Time is It? Is it too early to talk about the end?

What time is it on God’s prophetic calendar?

Time: We have all the time in the world. Or do we? Darwin had his idea. In it, he said the world took billions of years to form. And time, lots of it, was one of the most important factors that allowed for those worlds to develop. And, as the theory goes, that began a long time ago. Change happens slowly in this universe. This old world, and the solar system, will continue on for several eons. That’s how the secular scientists see it.

Well, as I’ve noted on many occasions, the Bible says something different. Time is short–much shorter than we realize. A man or woman’s lives are short and they should value every minute they live. We live too carelessly with the lives that the Lord has given us.

But, this post isn’t about how we live our lives. It’s about asking the important question in the title.

When is too early to talk about the end? Specifically, the end of humanity’s failed leadership on this earth?

I say it’s never too early to talk about it. Because people are dense. I’m one, so I’m qualified to talk. 🙂 People need time to hear a message and process the pros and cons. And Christ warned those around him, that everyone should weigh the cost of following him. But beware of the consequences of making the wrong choice.




Why do you ask?

“Yes, I know I’m talking to myself.” But, I bring this question up because there are so many Christians who don’t want to discuss the prophetic scriptures. It’s a subject that scares people. And often challenges how we are living at the moment. But, when you read through the scriptures, you’ll see that it’s never too early to talk about prophetic issues. Even when there is lots of time before the ‘scary’ events take place.


The Prophet Isaiah began his preaching ministry approximately 60 to 70 years before the invasion from Assyria began. And Isaiah’s primary message was to the southern tribes. When Assyria finally attacked, the northern tribes were decimated. Then taken into captivity. The southern tribes literally saw the Assyrians camped on their doorsteps. By God’s mercy, they left with their tails between their legs.

When Isaiah’s prophecies ended, there was still nearly one hundred years before the well-known Babylonian captivity took place. That was the event that began Daniel’s prophetic life.

So, roughly 70 years before the first invasion, Isaiah’s preaching began. And he was joined by Micah, Amos, and others.

Were they too early to talk about the end? Apparently, the Lord didn’t think so. He inspired them to write, and then to preach the messages of warning.

Jeremiah preached up until the moments of horror when Babylon destroyed Jerusalem and left the bodies of fathers, mothers, and children dead in the streets. Jeremiah wasn’t too early. He was reporting live from the scenes of devastation. But Jeremiah also referred back to the prophets who preached before him.

What about today? I don’t believe it’s too early to talk about these things. We shouldn’t be afraid of them. It’s merciful to warn those who are unaware. In fact, it could be considered a dereliction of duty to avoid the subject.

But, to be clear, as of the date of this writing, we are still years from the time when the most dreadful moments will hit. But we do have this annoying virus thing. 🙁


How much time did Noah have? 

Noah was an old but very healthy dude when the Lord told him to build a boat. A big boat. Was he five hundred years old when God first spoke to him? I’m guessing they had a lot of conversions about this for several hundred years before the do-it-yourself project began. Were those conversations too early? Nope. That was going to take a lot of planning. Biblical scholars, suggest that it took Noah about one hundred years to build the boat. Then he had to gather up a bunch of animals and go to the feed store for supplies. That took time.

And while the DIY project continued, Noah told the amused neighbors that God was going to destroy the earth with a flood. We can imagine the belly-shaking laughter that went on for days when Noah told them what God said.

But the Lord decided it wasn’t too early to let the unprepared people know. It appeared there was lots of time. But obviously, not enough. All of that time passed, the mocking most likely grew in intensity, and still, the warnings were ignored.




The prophets didn’t know the time.

The prophets of God spoke as they were directed by the Lord. Several of them, Jeremiah and Ezekiel among them, complained saying they didn’t want to tell the people. They knew the people wouldn’t listen. The Lord said, “Tell them anyway.”

Stephen, Peter, Philip, Paul, and the other New Testament disciples did the same. They preached as they were led. And they died as martyrs for their boldness. Only John died a natural death. Even though early church tradition says that John’s enemies tried to boil him in oil. And like Daniel’s friends long ago, it didn’t work.

God wasn’t done with him.

They heard the messages, the Lord sent. And they preached. They didn’t know. But they wanted to know. They even asked the Lord for specifics. “Will you set up your kingdom now?” They asked.

“It’s not for you to know,” the Lord said.

Today, it’s no different. We don’t know the exact time. But, we must continue preaching the message given to the prophets of old. Preach the Word. In season and out. Be prepared to give an answer to every man that asks for the reason and the hope that you have.


John 1:1

In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.



Hebrews 1:1

In the past, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways



John 5:28

“Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice”



Acts 1:6

So when they met together, they asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”



Daniel 12:1

“At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people – everyone whose name is found written in the book – will be delivered.”




The Claywriter



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