Who is the Restrainer in Paul’s account in 2 Thessalonians?

Do we know who The Restrainer is in Second Thessalonians?

The Restrainer, do we have an identity yet? Is he someone completely different than what you and I were taught? Probably.

In this article, I will introduce to you, an idea you may not be familiar with. When I was a young believer, learning to study my Bible, I learned something regarding the mysterious person, force, or entity called the restrainer. I learned that the restrainer was the Holy Spirit. During the rapture of the Church, the Holy Spirit would take the Church to heaven, and then all hell would break loose on earth because the Holy Spirit was taken away from the earth. The Holy Spirit restrained the people of Earth, so since his removal at the time of the rapture, the earth would have no moral compass. Chaos and pandemonium would ensue.

I no longer believe that teaching is supported by scripture, but I respect many of my teachers and pastors and so I refuse to speak poorly of them.

Learn like Paul

Below is the key verse in the debate followed by a couple of others we must include in our study of the issue. After the verses, I have included a link to a website where the teacher proposes a view that I support. I arrived at my view entirely from my personal study of scripture, not from any other teacher. With a little effort, we can grow in our knowledge of the Word the same way Paul the Apostle did.

His doctrine was originally way off. The Lord met him on the road to Damascus. Then Paul spent time alone in the desert working to unlearn his bad doctrine and learned to correctly discern the truth. We should strive for similar things in our own studies.

Some other things Paul learned:

God has not totally rejected Israel

Why Israel was set aside

Israel is destined for a resurrection


Here’s the key verse:

2 Thessalonians 2:6

“And you know what restrains him now so that in his time he will be revealed.”

When we read this passage something should become clear to the careful student. Paul didn’t share everything with us in this letter. He left some things out. The identity of the restrainer is one key component that he forgot to put in the letter. Oh, well, that leaves more for us to study.


Daniel 12:1

At that time Michael, the great prince who stands watch over your people, will rise up. There will be a time of distress such as never has occurred from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people–everyone whose name is found written in the book–will be delivered.

Michael, one of the chief princes of God’s angelic principalities, will stand up for Israel in the last days. I support the idea that he is the restrainer in Paul’s letter to Thessalonica.


Revelation 12:7

Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

In my opinion, this verse refers to a future event. Satan’s position and that of his many angelic followers changed thousands of years ago when they rebelled. But, we learn from the scriptures that some access is still granted. That access will become fully revoked when this final phase of God’s war against the rebellion unfolds.


Daniel 10:21

But first I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of truth. Yet no one has the courage to support me against these, except Michael, your prince.

Michael has been active in the past, serving in a role as a defender of Israel. In the last days, he will assume that position in a way that allows the enemies of God to act, but as a restrainer, the actions of the enemy will still have limits.


Below is the link I referred to.

Any Discussion on Who Is the Restrainer in 2 Thess 2 Must Contend with—Not Ignore—Colin Nicholl’s Research

Here’s an excerpt from the article

Recently, there have been radio programs discussing the referent to the apostle Paul’s mention of a “restrainer.” What is baffling is that these programs have completely ignored Colin Nicholl’s research on the evidence of Michael being the Restrainer. Scholars in the last ten years who have been writing commentaries and other monographs have of course recognized this scholarship and find it compelling, but unfortunately, it has not made its way to more popular literature.

Here’s the link to the article


What’s your view on this subject? It’s not likely to be the one proposed in this article because that is a rare view. But the truth is not subject to popular opinion. What do the scriptures teach, not your YouTube prophet?

Sorry Youtube prophets, no offense intended…sort of.


Image result for wild horses photography
The restrainer will remove the restraints. Then the horses of Revelation will run wild


The Claywriter

The Antichrist will be revealed when the restrainer allows it.

In Search of Antichrist by the Dead Man of Rome

Pick up your copy here


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