Will the Christian Church of Europe Die in this Generation?

Will the Christian Church survive in Europe? 

Many say that the Christian Church in Europe represents a dying religion. What do you think? In many parts of the world, the religion is under siege. Can it survive? Will it succumb to the advance of modern science and the modern thinkers who have little use for the words and thoughts of the ancient prophets?

Will something better take its place? Or perhaps something worse…far worse will fill the vacuum.

See this article with accompanying videos that paints an ugly picture for the future of the church in Europe and other places around the world.

Matthew 16:18

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of death will not overcome it.

Jesus said He would build the church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. Peter, an early-follower, was an impetuous fisherman who often acted or spoke before thinking. He boasted to the Lord that he would follow him to his own death even if everyone else deserted. We know how that went. He cowered under the threat of a young girl who pestered him about being a follower of Jesus.

That weak, impetuous fisherman was the first to preach the bold news of Jesus’ resurrection soon after he found his courage. The fellowship of believers was on its way to reaching every part of the world.

But are we nearing the end of its reign as a dominant religion and voice of God in the world?

Acts 20:28

Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.

The Apostle Paul instructed church elders to lead the young believers and to train others to keep the truth of God’s Word alive for the next generation.

Today many of the countries first reached by the Gospel are dangerous places to live for Christians. And it’s getting worse. Can Christianity survive?

Ephesians 1:22

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church

The Heavenly Father placed His Son over the church. Surely the Lord wouldn’t lose control over things to the point in which it disappears in countries where it was first introduced to the world. Or will it go the way of the dodo bird and dinosaur?

The dodo is dead and gone, will God’s house of worship follow in the dodo’s footsteps?

See the source image
What a dodo bird!

1 Timothy 3:15

If I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar, and foundation of the truth.

As the above verse mentions, Christians need to know how to conduct themselves in the world. Without the Church, the foundation of truth will be lost to the world.
Don’t be a dodo bird, get busy spreading the Good News!
Christians under attack
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